Смотреть что такое "snippily" в других словарях:
snippily — adverb see snippy … New Collegiate Dictionary
snippily — adverb In a snippy manner … Wiktionary
snippily — adv. rudely, impertinently; disjointedly, in a fragmented manner … English contemporary dictionary
snippy — snippily, adv. snippiness, snippetiness, n. /snip ee/, adj., snippier, snippiest. 1. sharp or curt, esp. in a supercilious or haughty way; impertinent. 2. scrappy or fragmentary. Also, snippety /snip i tee/. [1720 30; SNIP + Y1] * * * … Universalium
snippy — adjective (snippier; est) Etymology: 2snip Date: circa 1848 1. short tempered, snappish 2. unduly brief or curt 3. putting on airs ; sniffy • snippily adverb … New Collegiate Dictionary
abruptly — Synonyms and related words: a corps perdu, bang, bearishly, bluffly, bluntly, boorishly, brashly, brusquely, cavalierly, churlishly, crustily, curtly, dash, forthwith, gruffly, harshly, hastily, head over heels, headfirst, headforemost, headlong … Moby Thesaurus
curtly — Synonyms and related words: abruptly, aphoristically, bearishly, bluffly, bluntly, boorishly, brashly, briefly, brusquely, cavalierly, churlishly, compendiously, concisely, crisply, crustily, economically, gruffly, harshly, in brief compass,… … Moby Thesaurus
harshly — Synonyms and related words: abruptly, austerely, badly, bearishly, bluffly, bluntly, boorishly, brashly, brusquely, cavalierly, churlishly, cruelly, crustily, curtly, grimly, gruffly, hardly, heartlessly, inclemently, inexorably, mercilessly,… … Moby Thesaurus
shortly — Synonyms and related words: abruptly, after a while, anon, aphoristically, bearishly, before long, betimes, bluffly, bluntly, boorishly, brashly, briefly, brusquely, by and by, cavalierly, churlishly, compendiously, concisely, crisply, crustily,… … Moby Thesaurus
rudely — (Roget s IV) modif. Syn. impolitely, discourteously, impudently, crudely, coarsely, indecently, barbarously, roughly, harshly, sharply, bluntly, curtly, boorishly, ungraciously, uncivilly, tactlessly, uncouthly, vulgarly, indecorously, insolently … English dictionary for students
snippy — 1727, parsimonious; 1848, fault finding, sharp, from SNIP (Cf. snip) + Y (Cf. y) (2). Related: Snippily; snippiness … Etymology dictionary