sneak in

sneak in

1) прокрасться;
провести тайком The boys used to sneak in without paying. ≈ Мальчишки взяли за правило пробираться тайком бесплатно. I'll see if I can sneak you in after dark. ≈ Посмотрим, удастся ли мне прийти тайком после наступления темноты.
2) вставлять (замечание и т. п. - не совсем честным способом) Every time he appears on television, he finds a way to sneak in a mention of his latest book. ≈ Всякий раз, когда его показывают по телевидению, он находит способ вставить несколько слов о своей последней книге.

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "sneak in" в других словарях:

  • sneak — sneak; sneak·er; sneak·i·ly; sneak·i·ness; sneak·ish; sneak·ing·ly; sneak·ing·ness; sneak·ish·ly; sneak·ish·ness; …   English syllables

  • Sneak — may refer to:*DJ Sneak, Puerto Rican DJ *Keak Da Sneak, rapper from Oakland, California *The Sneaks, band from New Zealand *Quarterback sneak, a term in American football *Sneakbox, type of small boat *Sneak magazine, British weekly magazine *The …   Wikipedia

  • Sneak — steht für: Sneak Preview, eine Art Vorpremiere eines Kinofilms Sneak ist der Name folgender Personen: DJ Sneak (* 1970, bürgerlich Carlos Sosa), puerto ricanischer House DJ und Produzent Keak da Sneak (* 1977, bürgerlich Charles Toby Bowens), ein …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • sneak up on — [phrasal verb] sneak up on (someone) 1 : to approach (someone) quietly and secretly in order to avoid being noticed My father likes to sneak up on my mother and tickle her. Don t sneak up on me like that! 2 : to approach, happen, or develop… …   Useful english dictionary

  • sneak´i|ly — sneak|y «SNEE kee», adjective, sneak|i|er, sneak|i|est. cowardly, mean, or contemptible: »They dropped their eyes and looked sneaky (Mark Twain). –sneak´i|ly, adverb …   Useful english dictionary

  • sneak|y — «SNEE kee», adjective, sneak|i|er, sneak|i|est. cowardly, mean, or contemptible: »They dropped their eyes and looked sneaky (Mark Twain). –sneak´i|ly, adverb …   Useful english dictionary

  • sneak — [snēk] vi. ☆ sneaked or Informal snuck, sneaking [prob. < OE * snecan, akin to snican, to crawl: for IE base see SNAIL] 1. to move quietly and stealthily so as to avoid being seen or heard; go furtively 2. to be a sneak; behave in a stealthy,… …   English World dictionary

  • Sneak — (sn[=e]k), v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Sneaked} (sn[=e]kt); p. pr. & vb. n. {Sneaking}.] [OE. sniken, AS. sn[=i]can to creep; akin to Dan. snige sig; cf. Icel. sn[=i]kja to hanker after.] 1. To creep or steal (away or about) privately; to come or go… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Sneak — Sneak, v. t. To hide, esp. in a mean or cowardly manner. [Obs.] [Slander] sneaks its head. Wake. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Sneak — Sneak, n. 1. A mean, sneaking fellow. [1913 Webster] A set of simpletons and superstitious sneaks. Glanvill. [1913 Webster] 2. (Cricket) A ball bowled so as to roll along the ground; called also {grub}. [Cant] R. A. Proctor. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • sneak — [n] person who is very dishonest cheater, con artist, coward, cur, dastard, heel*, informer, louse, rascal, reptile, scoundrel, skunk*, slink*, snake*, snake in grass*, toad*, weasel*, wretch; concept 412 sneak [v] move stealthily ambush, case,… …   New thesaurus

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