snatch off
Смотреть что такое "snatch off" в других словарях:
Snatch and the Poontangs — is an album of sexually oriented blues songs released in 1969. The album features bandleader Johnny Otis on piano and drums, his son guitar player Shuggie Otis and vocalist Delmar Mighty Mouth Evans as The Hawk , Prince Wunnerful , and The Mouth … Wikipedia
Snatch Land Rover — Snatch Land Rovers are used as protected transport vehicles by the British Army. The name “Snatch” was coined as the vehicle was used in the Troubles in Northern Ireland to take suspects off the streets. [ Jon Ungoed Thomas and Michael Smith,… … Wikipedia
snatch — [n] small part bit, fragment, piece, smattering, snippet, spell; concepts 264,832 Ant. whole snatch [v] grab away abduct, catch, clap hands on, clutch, collar*, gain, get fingers on*, grapple, grasp, grip, jerk, jump, kidnap, make off with, nab,… … New thesaurus
snatch — 1. tv. to kidnap someone. (Underworld.) □ We’re gonna snatch the kid when the baby sitter comes out to see what happened. □ The mob snatched Mrs. Davis and held her for ransom. 2. n. a kidnapping. (Underworld.) □ The Bradley snatch had the… … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
snatch — 01. The young man [snatched] the woman s purse from her hands, and ran off down the street. 02. As soon as the telephone rang, he [snatched] up the receiver excitedly. 03. We were able to [snatch] a few hours sleep after our long flight, before… … Grammatical examples in English
Snatch strap — A snatch strap is a piece of equipment used to help in the recovery of vehicles bogged in sand or mud. Snatch straps are manufactured from webbing that is capable of approximately 20% stretch under load. This stretching property allows the strap… … Wikipedia
snatch — [[t]snæ̱tʃ[/t]] snatches, snatching, snatched 1) VERB If you snatch something or snatch at something, you take it or pull it away quickly. [V n prep] Mick snatched the cards from Archie s hand... [V n with adv] He snatched up the telephone... [V… … English dictionary
snatch — Synonyms and related words: abduce, abduct, abduction, abstract, and, annex, apprehension, appropriate, arrest, arrestation, badger, bag, bit, blackmail, bob, boost, borrow, butt, capture, carry away, carry off, catch, catching, chip, chunk,… … Moby Thesaurus
snatch — v 1.Usu. snatch at grab at or for, make a grab at, grasp at or for, grope for, clutch at, catch at, claw at, reach for, pursue; grapple for, scramble for, wrestle for, fight over; handle, feel, pick at, play with. 2. grab, pluck, pull, whisk,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
off — ♦ (The preposition is pronounced [[t]ɒf, AM ɔːf[/t]]. The adverb is pronounced [[t]ɒ̱f, AM ɔ͟ːf[/t]]) 1) PREP If something is taken off something else or moves off it, it is no longer touching that thing. He took his feet off the desk... I took… … English dictionary
snatch — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) v. t. grab, seize, grasp, clutch, jerk, twitch, pluck, wrench; steal; slang, kidnap. See stealing. II (Roget s IV) v. Syn. jerk, grasp, steal; see seize 1 , 2 . See Synonym Study at seize . III (Roget s… … English dictionary for students