snatch a nap
Смотреть что такое "snatch a nap" в других словарях:
snatch of sleep — short nap, cat nap, light sleep … English contemporary dictionary
kid´nap|er — kid|nap «KIHD nap», transitive verb, napped, nap|ping or naped, nap|ing. to steal or carry off (anyone, especially a child) by force; seize and hold (a person) against his will by force or by fraud: »Four men kidnapped the boy, but the police… … Useful english dictionary
kid´nap|per — kid|nap «KIHD nap», transitive verb, napped, nap|ping or naped, nap|ing. to steal or carry off (anyone, especially a child) by force; seize and hold (a person) against his will by force or by fraud: »Four men kidnapped the boy, but the police… … Useful english dictionary
kid|nap — «KIHD nap», transitive verb, napped, nap|ping or naped, nap|ing. to steal or carry off (anyone, especially a child) by force; seize and hold (a person) against his will by force or by fraud: »Four men kidnapped the boy, but the police soon caught … Useful english dictionary
kidnapper — kid·nap (kĭd’năp′) tr.v. kid·napped, kid·nap·ping, kid·naps or kid·naped or kid·nap·ing ▸ To abduct or confine (a person) forcibly, by threat of force, or by deceit, without the authority of law. ╂ [ KID(Cf. ↑kid), child + nap, to snatch (perhaps … Word Histories
kidnap — kid·nap / kid ˌnap/ vt kid·napped or kid·naped / ˌnapt/, kid·nap·ping, or, kid·nap·ing, / ˌna piŋ/ [probably back formation from kidnapper, from kid child + obsolete napper thief]: to seize and confine or carry away by force or fraud and often… … Law dictionary
doze — v 1. sleep, slumber, drowse, nap, catnap, take a nap, Inf. snooze, Inf. snatch forty winks, Inf. catch some shut eye, Sl. zizz, Brit. Sl. doss. n 2. nap, cat nap, siesta, slumber, Inf. snooze, Inf. forty winks … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
slumber — v 1. doze, drowse, nap, catnap, take a nap, take a siesta, nod off, drop off, Inf. snooze, Inf. snatch or catch forty winks, Inf. catch some shut eye, Sl. zizz, Brit. Sl. doss; sleep, count sheep, rest in the arms of Morpheus, visit the sandman,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
nab — [nab] vt. nabbed, nabbing [< thieves slang (16th 17th c.) prob. var. of dial. nap, to snatch < Scand, as in Dan nappe, Swed nappa, to snatch] Informal 1. to seize suddenly; snatch or steal 2. to arrest or catch (a felon or wrongdoer) SYN.… … English World dictionary
sleep — 1. noun go and have a sleep Syn: nap, doze, siesta, catnap, beauty sleep; informal snooze, forty winks, bit of shut eye, power nap; literary slumber 2. verb she slept for about an hour go to sleep put an animal to sleep … Thesaurus of popular words
Dida (goalkeeper) — Dida Personal information Full name Nélson de Jesus Silva … Wikipedia