Snappish — Snap pish, a. 1. Apt to snap at persons or things; eager to bite; as, a snapping cur. [1913 Webster] 2. Sharp in reply; apt to speak angrily or testily; easily provoked; tart; peevish. [1913 Webster] The taunting address of a snappish misanthrope … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
snappish — index fractious, perverse, petulant Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
snappish — peevish, 1540s, from SNAP (Cf. snap) (v.) + ISH (Cf. ish) … Etymology dictionary
snappish — *irritable, fractious, peevish, waspish, petulant, pettish, huffy, fretful, querulous Analogous words: testy, touchy, cranky, *irascible: surly, crabbed, morose (see SULLEN) … New Dictionary of Synonyms
snappish — ► ADJECTIVE 1) (of a dog) irritable and inclined to bite. 2) (of a person) irritable; curt. DERIVATIVES snappishly adverb snappishness noun … English terms dictionary
snappish — [snap′ish] adj. 1. likely to snap or bite 2. cross or irritable, uncivil; sharp tongued snappishly adv. snappishness n … English World dictionary
snappish — adjective Date: 1542 1. a. given to curt irritable speech b. arising from annoyance or irascibility < a snappish remark > 2. inclined to bite < a snappish dog > • snappishly adverb • snappishness noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
snappish — [[t]snæ̱pɪʃ[/t]] ADJ GRADED: usu v link ADJ If someone is snappish, they speak to people in a sharp, unfriendly manner. That is beautiful, Tony, Momma said, no longer sounding at all snappish. Syn: snappy Derived words: snappishly ADV GRADED ADV… … English dictionary
snappish — snappishly, adv. snappishness, n. /snap ish/, adj. 1. apt to snap or bite, as a dog. 2. disposed to speak or reply in an impatient or irritable manner. 3. impatiently or irritably sharp; curt: a snappish reply. [1535 45; SNAP + ISH1] * * * … Universalium
snappish — adjective a) Likely to snap or bite. b) habitually speaking in an irritable or angry way: my snappish boss was never in a good mood … Wiktionary
snappish — adjective bad tempered: Children are often spiteful and snappish. snappishly adverb snappishness noun (U) … Longman dictionary of contemporary English