snap-action mechanism

snap-action mechanism
механизм мгновенного действия (микропереключателя или микровыключателя)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "snap-action mechanism" в других словарях:

  • Miniature snap-action switch — Comparison of some different switches. A miniature snap action switch, also trademarked and frequently known as a micro switch, is an electric switch that is actuated by very little physical force, through the use of a tipping point mechanism,… …   Wikipedia

  • snap — snapless, adj. snappable, adj. snappingly, adv. /snap/, v., snapped, snapping, n., adj., adv. v.i. 1. to make a sudden, sharp, distinct sound; crack, as a whip; crackle. 2. to click, as a mechanism or the jaws or teeth coming together. 3. to move …   Universalium

  • snap — [[t]snæp[/t]] v. snapped, snap•ping, n. adj. adv. 1) to make a sudden, sharp, distinct sound; crack, as a whip 2) to click, as a mechanism or the jaws coming together 3) to move, strike, shut, catch, etc., with a sharp sound, as a door or lid 4)… …   From formal English to slang

  • snap — [c]/snæp / (say snap) verb (snapped, snapping) –verb (i) 1. to make a sudden, sharp sound; crackle. 2. to click, as a mechanism. 3. to move, strike, shut, catch, etc., with a sharp sound, as a lid. 4. to break suddenly, especially with a sharp,… …  

  • Knife switch — A knife switch is a type of switch used to control the flow of electricity in a circuit. It is comprised of a hinge which allows a metal lever, or knife, to be lifted from or inserted into a slot or jaw. The hinge and jaw are both fixed to an… …   Wikipedia

  • Light switch — A light switch is a switch, most commonly used to operate electric lights, permanently connected equipment, or electrical outlets.In modern homes most lights are operated using switches set in walls, usually 6 10 inches (15 25 cm) away from a… …   Wikipedia

  • Switch — For other uses, see Switch (disambiguation). Electrical switches. Top, left to right: circuit breaker, mercury switch, wafer switch, DIP switch, surface mount switch, reed switch. Bottom, left to right: wall switch (U.S. style), miniature toggle… …   Wikipedia

  • Toggle switch — A toggle switch is a class of electrical switches that are actuated by a mechanical lever, handle, or rocking mechanism.Toggle switches are and will always be available in many different styles and sizes, and are used in countless applications.… …   Wikipedia

  • Shotgun — For other uses, see Shotgun (disambiguation). A pump action Remington 870, two semi automatic …   Wikipedia

  • Mouse button — One button mouse Three button mouse …   Wikipedia

  • Michael Wynn, 7th Baron Newborough — Nickname Mickey Born 24 April 1917 Died 11 October 1998 Istanbul, Turkey Allegiance …   Wikipedia

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