snap hook

snap hook
крюк с предохранителем

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "snap hook" в других словарях:

  • snap hook — (also snap link) noun a hook with a spring allowing the entrance but preventing the escape of a cord, link, etc …   English new terms dictionary

  • snap hook — noun : spring hook * * * n. a hook with a spring allowing the entrance but preventing the escape of a cord, key ring, etc …   Useful english dictionary

  • snap-hook — …   Useful english dictionary

  • snap — v., n., adv., & adj. v. (snapped, snapping) 1 intr. & tr. break suddenly or with a snap. 2 intr. & tr. emit or cause to emit a sudden sharp sound or crack. 3 intr. & tr. open or close with a snapping sound (the bag snapped shut). 4 a intr. (often …   Useful english dictionary

  • hook — n scythe, sickle; falchion, cutlass, scimitar, saber. 2. snag, trap, snare, springe, noose. 3. crook, angle, dogleg, hairpin turn, horseshoe, loop; curve, curvature, incurvature, bow, arc, turn, twist, tortuosity; bend, bending, flexion, flexure …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • Snap suplex — Suplex Un suplex est un mouvement au catch et à la lutte. En français, suplex veut dire « souplesse ». C est une des prises les plus utilisées au catch. Un suplex consiste à projeter l adversaire à terre sur le dos, le cou ou les… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • snap — v 1. crack, crackle, crepitate, decrepitate, pop; click, clink. 2. catch, hook, pin, clasp, secure; link, couple, clinch. 3. break, fracture, fragmentize, splinter, shiver, chip; separate, cleave, sunder, disjoint, sever. 4. sparkle, flash,… …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • hook — Synonyms and related words: L, Long Melford, abstract, acquitted, all the way, allure, anchor, anchorage, and, and sinker, angle, angle off, annex, apex, appropriate, arc, arch, argue into, articulate, backhand, backhander, backstroke, bag, bait …   Moby Thesaurus

  • snap — Synonyms and related words: Photostat, Telephoto, Wirephoto, X ray, Xerox, a continental, a curse, a damn, a darn, a hoot, abrupt, ad lib, adaptability, aerial photograph, aggressiveness, alertness, animation, articulate, attack, automatic,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • spring hook — noun 1. : a hook with a spring snap in its end to prevent accidental unhooking called also snap hook 2. : a supplementary fishhook that springs down and secures a fish that takes the baited barbed hook called also snap hook, spear hook …   Useful english dictionary

  • Leg hook belly to back suplex — Suplex Un suplex est un mouvement au catch et à la lutte. En français, suplex veut dire « souplesse ». C est une des prises les plus utilisées au catch. Un suplex consiste à projeter l adversaire à terre sur le dos, le cou ou les… …   Wikipédia en Français

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