Смотреть что такое "snaillike" в других словарях:
snaillike — adjective see snail I … New Collegiate Dictionary
snaillike — adjective Resembling a snail or some aspect of one … Wiktionary
snaillike — adj. like a snail; slow … English contemporary dictionary
snaillike — ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ adjective : resembling a snail : snailish … Useful english dictionary
snail — snaillike, adj. /snayl/, n. 1. any mollusk of the class Gastropoda, having a spirally coiled shell and a ventral muscular foot on which it slowly glides about. 2. a slow or lazy person; sluggard. 3. a cam having the form of a spiral. 4.… … Universalium
slow — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) adj. time consuming; dull witted, dense (sl.); tardy, sluggish; slack, leisurely; tedious, boring. See slowness, ignorance, lateness, weariness.Ant., fast, quick witted, bright. v. slacken, moderate,… … English dictionary for students
snail — I. noun Etymology: Middle English, from Old English snægl; akin to Old High German snecko snail, snahhan to creep Date: before 12th century 1. a gastropod mollusk especially when having an external enclosing spiral shell 2. a slow moving or… … New Collegiate Dictionary
slug — slug1 sluglike, adj. /slug/, n., v., slugged, slugging. n. 1. any of various snaillike terrestrial gastropods having no shell or only a rudimentary one, feeding on plants and a pest of leafy garden crops. 2. a nudibranch. 3. a metal disk used as… … Universalium
Fissurella — Fis·su·rel·la (fis″ə relґə) the keyhole limpets, a genus of snaillike marine gastropods of the subclass Streptoneura, order Aspidobranchiae. See keyhole limpet hemocyanin, under hemocyanin … Medical dictionary
limpet — lim·pet (limґpət) any of various snaillike marine gastropods with cone shaped shells, of the order Aspidobranchia, subclass Streptoneura … Medical dictionary
ambling — Synonyms and related words: ambulation, backpacking, cautious, circumspect, claudicant, crawling, creeping, creeping like snail, deliberate, easy, faltering, flagging, foot dragging, footing, footing it, footwork, gentle, going on foot, gradual,… … Moby Thesaurus