Snaggy — Snag gy, a. 1. Full of snags; full of short, rough branches or sharp points; abounding with knots. Upon a snaggy oak. Spenser. [1913 Webster] 2. Snappish; cross; ill tempered. [Prov. Eng.] [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Snaggy — is the co creator of the The Joy of Tech comic, and along with Nitrozac, runs the [ Geek Culture] website and Forum community. A Canadian, his real name is Bruce Evans, and he is also a [… … Wikipedia
snaggy — [snag′ē] adj. snaggier, snaggiest 1. of, or having the nature of, a snag 2. full of snags, as a body of water 3. having snags … English World dictionary
snaggy — snag ► NOUN 1) an unexpected or hidden obstacle or drawback. 2) a sharp, angular, or jagged projection. 3) a small rent or tear. ► VERB (snagged, snagging) 1) catch or tear on a snag. 2) N. Amer … English terms dictionary
snaggy — gē, gi adjective ( er/ est) : full of snags a snaggy pole … Useful english dictionary
snaggy sea raven — Ramiojo vandenyno plaukuotoji plernė statusas T sritis zoologija | vardynas taksono rangas rūšis atitikmenys: lot. Hemitripterus villosus angl. snaggy sea raven rus. волосатый бычок; обыкновенная волосатка; тихоокеанская волосатка ryšiai:… … Žuvų pavadinimų žodynas
snaggy — adjective see snag I … New Collegiate Dictionary
snaggy — /snag ee/, adj., snaggier, snaggiest. 1. having snags or sharp projections, as a tree. 2. abounding in snags or obstructions, as a river. 3. snaglike; projecting sharply or roughly. [1575 85; SNAG + Y1] * * * … Universalium
snaggy — adjective snæɡiː Covered in snags, or similar sharp projections … Wiktionary
snaggy — adj. having jagged projections; full of hidden obstacles … English contemporary dictionary
snaggy — snag·gy … English syllables