Смотреть что такое "smooth-texture" в других словарях:
texture — tex|ture [ˈtekstʃə US ər] n [U and C] [Date: 1400 1500; : Latin; Origin: textura, from texere; TEXT] 1.) the way a surface or material feels when you touch it, especially how smooth or rough it is smooth/silky/rough etc texture ▪ the smooth… … Dictionary of contemporary English
texture — noun (C, U) 1 the way a surface, substance, or material feels when you touch it, especially how smooth or rough it is: the smooth texture of silk | a soil with a loose sandy texture 2 literary the way the different parts are combined in a piece… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
texture — n. rough; smooth texture * * * [ tekstʃə] smooth texture rough … Combinatory dictionary
texture — 1. noun /ˈtɛkstʃər/ a) The feel or shape of a surface or substance; the smoothness, roughness, softness, etc. of something. The beans had a grainy, gritty texture in her mouth … Wiktionary
Texture synthesis — is the process of algorithmically constructing a large digital image from a small digital sample image by taking advantage of its structural content. It is object of research to computer graphics and is used in many fields, amongst others digital … Wikipedia
texture — 01. The [texture] of a snake s skin is surprisingly dry and smooth. 02. Our sense of touch allows us to acquire information about the weight, shape, firmness and [texture] of objects in our environment. 03. Frogs have excellent camouflage, using… … Grammatical examples in English
Texture filtering — In computer graphics, texture filtering is the method used to determine the texture color for a texture mapped pixel, using the colors of nearby texels (pixels of the texture). In short, it blends the texture pixels together by breaking them up… … Wikipedia
texture — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ dense, firm, thick ▪ delicate, fine, light, soft ▪ Sponge cakes have a light texture … Collocations dictionary
texture — [[t]te̱kstʃə(r)[/t]] textures 1) N VAR The texture of something is the way that it feels when you touch it, for example how smooth or rough it is. It is used in moisturisers to give them a wonderfully silky texture... Her skin is pale, the… … English dictionary
smooth — /smuð / (say smoohdh) adjective 1. free from projections or irregularities of surface such as would be perceived in touching or stroking. 2. free from hairs or a hairy growth. 3. free from inequalities of surface, ridges or hollows, obstructions …
smooth — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} verb ADVERB ▪ carefully, gently ▪ She smoothed his hair gently. ▪ away, out ▪ Use an iron to smooth out any creases … Collocations dictionary