smooth structure

smooth structure
мат. гладкая структура

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "smooth structure" в других словарях:

  • Smooth muscle tissue — Smooth muscle …   Wikipedia

  • Smooth muscle — is a type of non striated muscle, found within the tunica media layer of large and small arteries and veins, the bladder, uterus, male and female reproductive tracts, gastrointestinal tract, respiratory tract, the ciliary muscle, and iris of the… …   Wikipedia

  • Smooth function — A bump function is a smooth function with compact support. In mathematical analysis, a differentiability class is a classification of functions according to the properties of their derivatives. Higher order differentiability classes correspond to …   Wikipedia

  • smooth-textured — adjective having a smooth, fine grained structure • Syn: ↑fine textured • Similar to: ↑smooth …   Useful english dictionary

  • structure — 1. The arrangement of the details of a part; the manner of formation of a part. 2. A tissue or formation made up of different but related parts. 3. In chemistry, the specific connections of the atoms in a given molecule. SYN: structura. [L.… …   Medical dictionary

  • smooth endoplasmic reticulum — An internal membrane structure of the eukaryotic cell. Biochemically similar to the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER), but lacks the ribosome binding function. Tends to be tubular rather than sheet like, may be separate from the RER or may be an… …   Dictionary of molecular biology

  • Differential structure — In mathematics, an n dimensional differential structure (or differentiable structure) on a set M makes M into an n dimensional differential manifold, which is a topological manifold with some additional structure that allows us to do differential …   Wikipedia

  • Transport of structure — In mathematics, transport of structure is the definition of a new structure on an object by reference to another object on which a similar structure already exists. Definitions by transport of structure are regarded as canonical.Since… …   Wikipedia

  • Hodge structure — In mathematics, a Hodge structure, named after W. V. D. Hodge, is an algebraic structure at the level of linear algebra, similar to the one that Hodge theory gives to the cohomology groups of a smooth and compact Kähler manifold. A mixed Hodge… …   Wikipedia

  • Causal structure — This article is about the possible causal relationships among points in a Lorentzian manifold. For classification of Lorentzian manifolds according to the types of causal structures they admit, see Causality conditions. In mathematical physics,… …   Wikipedia

  • Riemann-Roch theorem for smooth manifolds — In mathematics, a Riemann Roch theorem for smooth manifolds is a version of results such as the Hirzebruch Riemann Roch theorem or Grothendieck Riemann Roch theorem (GRR) without a hypothesis making the smooth manifolds involved carry a complex… …   Wikipedia

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