smooth file

smooth file
личной напильник

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "smooth file" в других словарях:

  • Smooth file — File File (f[imac]l), n. [AS. fe[ o]l; akin to D. viji, OHG. f[=i]la, f[=i]hala, G. feile, Sw. fil, Dan. fiil, cf. Icel. [thorn][=e]l, Russ. pila, and Skr. pi[,c] to cut out, adorn; perh. akin to E. paint.] 1. A steel instrument, having cutting… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • File — (f[imac]l), n. [AS. fe[ o]l; akin to D. viji, OHG. f[=i]la, f[=i]hala, G. feile, Sw. fil, Dan. fiil, cf. Icel. [thorn][=e]l, Russ. pila, and Skr. pi[,c] to cut out, adorn; perh. akin to E. paint.] 1. A steel instrument, having cutting ridges or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • File blank — File File (f[imac]l), n. [AS. fe[ o]l; akin to D. viji, OHG. f[=i]la, f[=i]hala, G. feile, Sw. fil, Dan. fiil, cf. Icel. [thorn][=e]l, Russ. pila, and Skr. pi[,c] to cut out, adorn; perh. akin to E. paint.] 1. A steel instrument, having cutting… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • File cutter — File File (f[imac]l), n. [AS. fe[ o]l; akin to D. viji, OHG. f[=i]la, f[=i]hala, G. feile, Sw. fil, Dan. fiil, cf. Icel. [thorn][=e]l, Russ. pila, and Skr. pi[,c] to cut out, adorn; perh. akin to E. paint.] 1. A steel instrument, having cutting… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • file — file1 W2S1 [faıl] n [Sense: 1 3, 5; Date: 1500 1600; : French; Origin: fil thread , from Latin filum (because documents were stored on pieces of string).] [Sense: 4; Origin: Old English feol] 1.) a set of papers, records etc that contain… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • File — File, v. t. 1. To rub, smooth, or cut away, with a file; to sharpen with a file; as, to file a saw or a tooth. [1913 Webster] 2. To smooth or polish as with a file. Shak. [1913 Webster] File your tongue to a little more courtesy. Sir W. Scott.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Smooth infinitesimal analysis — is a mathematically rigorous reformulation of the calculus in terms of infinitesimals. Based on the ideas of F. W. Lawvere and employing the methods of category theory, it views all functions as being continuous and incapable of being expressed… …   Wikipedia

  • file — file1 [fīl] vt. filed, filing [ME filen < OFr filer, to string documents on thread, orig., to spin thread < LL filare, to spin < L filum, thread < IE base * gwhislo > Lith gýsla, sinew] 1. a) to arrange (papers, etc.) in order for… …   English World dictionary

  • file — [n1] system of order, placement for ease of use book, cabinet, case, census, charts, circular file*, data, directory, docket, documents, dossier, folder, index, information, list, notebook, pigeonhole*, portfolio, record, register, repository;… …   New thesaurus

  • file down — ˌfile ˈdown [transitive] [present tense I/you/we/they file down he/she/it files down present participle filing down past tense …   Useful english dictionary

  • file — Ⅰ. file [1] ► NOUN 1) a folder or box for keeping loose papers together and in order. 2) Computing a collection of data or programs stored under a single identifying name. 3) a line of people or things one behind another. 4) Military a small… …   English terms dictionary

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