Smokeless — Smoke less, a. Making or having no smoke. Smokeless towers. Pope. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
smokeless — [smōklis] adj. having or making little or no smoke … English World dictionary
smokeless — smoke|less [ˈsməukləs US ˈsmouk ] adj 1.) smokeless coal/fuel ↑fuel that burns without producing smoke 2.) smokeless tobacco tobacco that you chew rather than smoking … Dictionary of contemporary English
smokeless — adj. having or producing no smoke. Phrases and idioms: smokeless zone a district in which it is illegal to create smoke and where only smokeless fuel may be used … Useful english dictionary
smokeless — adjective Without smoke. smokeless fuel … Wiktionary
smokeless — adj. Smokeless is used with these nouns: ↑coal, ↑fuel … Collocations dictionary
smokeless — [[t]smo͟ʊkləs[/t]] ADJ Smokeless fuel burns without producing smoke … English dictionary
smokeless — smoke ► NOUN 1) a visible suspension of carbon or other particles in the air, emitted from a burning substance. 2) an act of smoking tobacco. 3) informal a cigarette or cigar. 4) (the Smoke or the Big Smoke) Brit. a big city, especially London. ► … English terms dictionary
Smokeless powder — is the name given to a number of propellants used in firearms and artillery which produce negligible smoke when fired, unlike the older gunpowder (black powder) which they replaced. The basis of the term smokeless is that the combustion products… … Wikipedia
Smokeless Tobacco — (auch Dipping Tobacco, Dip oder Moist Snuff genannt) ist die englischsprachige Bezeichnung für losen Tabak aus den USA; die Übersetzung in das Deutsche lautet Rauchloser Tabak. Der grob (Long Cut) bis fein (Fine Cut) geschnittene Tabak wird aus… … Deutsch Wikipedia
smokeless zone — ► NOUN Brit. ▪ a district in which it is illegal to create smoke and where only smokeless fuel may be used … English terms dictionary