- smarty
- (американизм) (разговорное) присяжный острослов, остряк-самоучка
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Smarty — Entwickler Monte Ohrt, Messju Mohr Aktuelle Version 3.1.4 (19. Oktober 2011) Betriebssystem plattformunabhängig Programmiersprache PHP … Deutsch Wikipedia
Smarty — Тип Компилирующий обработчик шаблонов Разработчик New Digital Group, Inc … Википедия
Smarty — Desarrollador Monte Ohrt, Messju Mohr http://www.smarty.net/ Información general Última versión estable 3.1.4 ( … Wikipedia Español
Smarty — es un motor de plantillas para PHP, cuyo objetivo es separar el contenido de la presentación en una página web, se encuentra bajo la licencia GPL por lo que puede ser usado libremente. Es común que en grandes proyectos el rol de diseñador gráfico … Enciclopedia Universal
smarty — ☆ smarty [smart′ēpants΄smart′ē ] n. pl. smarties Informal SMART ALECK: also smarty pants [smart′ēpants΄] … English World dictionary
Smarty — Infobox Software name = Smarty Templates developer = Monte Ohrt, Messju Mohr latest release version = 2.6.20 latest release date = 15th Aug 2008 genre = Template Engine license = LGPL website = [http://www.smarty.net/ www.smarty.net] Smarty is a… … Wikipedia
Smarty — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Smarty (homonymie). Développeur Monte Ohrt, Messju Mohr … Wikipédia en Français
smarty — Used mainly in the USA to someone who is ostentatiously displaying smartness, especially if he is doing so by contradicting the speaker. ‘Smarty’ is a relatively mild term. An American who is more irate is likely to use: smart aleck, smartass … A dictionary of epithets and terms of address
smarty — n. a cocky person. (Also a term of address.) □ Well, if you’re such a smarty, why aren’t you rich? □ Okay, smarty, do it yourself … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
smarty — n. (pl. ies) colloq. 1 a know all; a smart alec. 2 a smartly dressed person; a member of a smart set. Phrases and idioms: smarty boots (or pants) = SMARTY 1. Etymology: SMART … Useful english dictionary
smarty — Synonyms and related words: boldface, brazenface, chutzpanik, hussy, know it all, malapert, minx, pup, puppy, saucebox, smart, smart aleck, smart ass, smarty pants, swaggerer, upstart, whippersnapper, wise guy, wise ass, wiseacre, wisecracker,… … Moby Thesaurus