Смотреть что такое "smallsword" в других словарях:
Smallsword — Small sword , n. A light sword used for thrusting only; especially, the sword worn by civilians of rank in the eighteenth century. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
smallsword — [smôlsôrd΄] n. a light, tapering, straight sword, used esp. in fencing … English World dictionary
smallsword — noun Date: 1687 a light tapering sword for thrusting used chiefly in dueling and fencing … New Collegiate Dictionary
smallsword — /smawl sawrd , sohrd /, n. a light, tapering sword for thrusting, formerly used in fencing or dueling. [1680 90; SMALL + SWORD] * * * … Universalium
smallsword — small•sword [[t]ˈsmɔlˌsɔrd, ˌsoʊrd[/t]] n. spo a light, tapering sword for thrusting, formerly used in fencing or dueling • Etymology: 1680–90 … From formal English to slang
smallsword — /ˈsmɔlsɔd/ (say smawlsawd) noun a light, tapering sword for thrusting, used especially in fencing from the 16th to 18th centuries …
smallsword — ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ noun : a light tapering sword designed for thrusting and used especially in the 18th century for dueling and fencing * * * /smawl sawrd , sohrd /, n. a light, tapering sword for thrusting, formerly used in fencing or dueling. [1680 90; … Useful english dictionary
Шпага (оруж.) — Классическая короткая шпага от которой происходят спортивные шпаги Диаграмма шпаги Шпага (от итал. Spada) холодное колюще рубящее или колющее оружие, состоящее из длинного (до 1 метра и более), прямого одно двухлезвийного или гранёного клинка и… … Википедия
European dueling sword — The European dueling sword in the narrow sense is a basket and cage hilted weapon in use specifically in duels from the late 17th to the 19th century. It evolved through several forms of the rapier to the smallsword mdash; reflecting the… … Wikipedia
Sword — For other uses, see Sword (disambiguation) and Swords (disambiguation). Swiss longsword, 15th or 16th century A sword is a bladed weapon (edged weapon) used primarily for cutting or thrusting. The precise definition of the term varies with the… … Wikipedia
Шпага — У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Шпага (значения). Классическая шпага, от которой происходят спортивные шпаги … Википедия