Смотреть что такое "small-pieces" в других словарях:
Small Pieces Loosely Joined — Small Pieces Loosely Joined: A Unified Theory of the Web is a book by David Weinberger published by Perseus Publishing in 2002 (ISBN 0 7382 0543 5). The book s central premise is that the world wide web has significantly altered humanity s… … Wikipedia
Lisp in Small Pieces — (Cambridge University Press; New Ed edition (December 4, 2003) ISBN 0521545668) is a book by Christian Queinnec on Lisp, Scheme and other related dialects, their interpretation, semantics, and compilation and contains code for 11 interpreters and … Wikipedia
small — [smôl] adj. [ME smal, narrow, slender < OE smæl, akin to Ger schmal, narrow < IE base * (s)mēlo , smaller animal: see MAL ] 1. little in size, esp. when compared with others of the same kind; not large or big; limited in size 2. a) little… … English World dictionary
small — ► ADJECTIVE 1) of less than normal or usual size. 2) not great in amount, number, strength, or power. 3) not fully grown or developed; young. 4) insignificant; unimportant. 5) (of a business or its owner) operating on a modest scale. ► NOUN… … English terms dictionary
small-coal — smallˈ coal noun Coal in small pieces • • • Main Entry: ↑small … Useful english dictionary
small — adj., n., & adv. adj. 1 not large or big. 2 slender; thin. 3 not great in importance, amount, number, strength, or power. 4 not much; trifling (a small token; paid small attention). 5 insignificant; unimportant (a small matter; from small… … Useful english dictionary
Small shelly fauna — The small shelly fauna or small shelly fossils, abbreviated to SSF, are mineralized fossils, many only a few millimetres long, with a nearly continuous record from the latest stages of the Ediacaran to the end of the Early Cambrian period. They… … Wikipedia
small — smallness, n. /smawl/, adj., smaller, smallest, adv., smaller, smallest, n. adj. 1. of limited size; of comparatively restricted dimensions; not big; little: a small box. 2. slender, thin, or narrow: a small waist. 3. not large as compared with… … Universalium
small — [[t]smɔl[/t]] adj. and adv. er, est, n. 1) of limited size; not big; little: a small box[/ex] 2) slender or narrow: a small waist[/ex] 3) not large as compared with others of the same kind: a small elephant[/ex] 4) pri (of an alphabetical letter) … From formal English to slang
small — I. adjective Etymology: Middle English smal, from Old English smæl; akin to Old High German smal small, Greek mēlon small domestic animal Date: before 12th century 1. a. having comparatively little size or slight dimensions b. lowercase 2. a.… … New Collegiate Dictionary
small — /smɔl / (say smawl) adjective 1. of limited size; of comparatively restricted dimensions; not big; little. 2. slender, thin, or narrow. 3. not large, as compared with other things of the same kind. 4. not great in amount, degree, extent, duration …