- small screen
1) телевидение Syn : television, TV
2) экран телевизора экран телевизора телевидение
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
small screen — small .screen n the small screen television used especially when comparing television to the cinema →↑big screen ▪ a film made for the small screen … Dictionary of contemporary English
small-screen — smallˈ screen adjective • • • Main Entry: ↑small … Useful english dictionary
small screen — small′ screen′ n. 1) cvs the medium of television 2) cvs a television set … From formal English to slang
small screen — or the n. Informal television … English World dictionary
small screen — 1. the medium of television. 2. a television set. * * * small screen noun Television • • • Main Entry: ↑small * * * small screen, Especially British. television: »Medical men…are now no strangers either to the small screen or, for that matter, to … Useful english dictionary
small screen — N SING: usu the N When people talk about the small screen, they are referring to television, in contrast to films that are made for the cinema. Now he is also to become a star of the small screen... Live concerts are never quite the same on the… … English dictionary
small screen — noun (singular) television: a film made for the small screen … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
Small Screen Rendering — (engl. Darstellung für kleine Bildschirme; kurz: SSR) ist eine Technologie, die es erlaubt, Websites beliebiger Größe auf einem kleinen Display (z. B. Mobiltelefon) ohne horizontales Scrollen darzustellen. Entwickelt wurde das Small Sceen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
small screen, the — noun television, especially when it is considered in relation to the movies … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Small-Screen Rendering — Opera Mini 4.2 Тип Мобильный браузер Разработчик Opera Software ASA ОС J2ME … Википедия
Small Screen Rendering — Opera Mini 4.2 Тип Мобильный браузер Разработчик Opera Software ASA ОС J2ME … Википедия