small investor
Смотреть что такое "small investor" в других словарях:
small investor — An individual person investing in small quantities of stock or bonds. This group of investors makes up a minimal fraction of total stock ownership. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * small investor small investor ➔ investor * * * small investor … Financial and business terms
small investor — /smɔ:l ɪn vestə/ noun a person with a small sum of money to invest … Dictionary of banking and finance
small investor — private individual who devotes financial resources for profit … English contemporary dictionary
Investor — The owner of a financial asset. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * investor in‧vest‧or [ɪnˈvestə ǁ ər] noun [countable] FINANCE a person or organization that invests money in order to make a profit: • Investors are confused about where… … Financial and business terms
investor — The owner of a financial asset. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary The party whose assets are being invested, and that benefits from the performance of the investment. It can either be an individual or organisation. Euroclear Clearing and Settlement… … Financial and business terms
small — /smɔl / (say smawl) adjective 1. of limited size; of comparatively restricted dimensions; not big; little. 2. slender, thin, or narrow. 3. not large, as compared with other things of the same kind. 4. not great in amount, degree, extent, duration …
Investor profile — An investor profile or style defines an individual s preferences in investment decisions, for example: * Short term trading (active management) or long term holding (buy and hold) * Risk averse or risk tolerant / seeker * All classes of assets or … Wikipedia
Investor lead — An investor lead is a type of a sales lead. An investor lead is the identity of a person or entity potentially interested in participating in an investment, and represents the first stage of a investment sales process. Investor leads are… … Wikipedia
investor — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ big, large, major ▪ long term ▪ average, ordinary, small ▪ Many ordinary investors s … Collocations dictionary
investor — n. a heavy; large; small; speculative investor * * * [ɪn vestə] large small speculative investor a heavy … Combinatory dictionary
Small Cap — Unter einem Nebenwert versteht man eine Aktiengesellschaft, deren Aktien nicht dem Aktienindex DAX oder einem vergleichbaren, internationalen Index angehören, oder eine Aktiengesellschaft mit relativ geringem Börsenwert oder geringen… … Deutsch Wikipedia