small homotopy

small homotopy
мат. малая гомотопия

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "small homotopy" в других словарях:

  • Model category — In mathematics, particularly in homotopy theory, a model category is a category with distinguished classes of morphisms ( arrows ) called weak equivalences , fibrations and cofibrations . These abstract from a conventional homotopy category, of… …   Wikipedia

  • Nerve (category theory) — In category theory, the nerve N(C) of a small category C is a simplicial set constructed from the objects and morphisms of C. The geometric realization of this simplicial set is a topological space, called the classifying space of the category C …   Wikipedia

  • List of mathematics articles (S) — NOTOC S S duality S matrix S plane S transform S unit S.O.S. Mathematics SA subgroup Saccheri quadrilateral Sacks spiral Sacred geometry Saddle node bifurcation Saddle point Saddle surface Sadleirian Professor of Pure Mathematics Safe prime Safe… …   Wikipedia

  • Line bundle — In mathematics, a line bundle expresses the concept of a line that varies from point to point of a space. For example a curve in the plane having a tangent line at each point determines a varying line: the tangent bundle is a way of organising… …   Wikipedia

  • Derived category — In mathematics, the derived category D(C) of an abelian category C is a construction of homological algebra introduced to refine and in a certain sense to simplify the theory of derived functors defined on C. The construction proceeds on the… …   Wikipedia

  • Topos — For topoi in literary theory, see Literary topos. For topoi in rhetorical invention, see Inventio. In mathematics, a topos (plural topoi or toposes ) is a type of category that behaves like the category of sheaves of sets on a topological space.… …   Wikipedia

  • mathematics — /math euh mat iks/, n. 1. (used with a sing. v.) the systematic treatment of magnitude, relationships between figures and forms, and relations between quantities expressed symbolically. 2. (used with a sing. or pl. v.) mathematical procedures,… …   Universalium

  • Simplicial set — In mathematics, a simplicial set is a construction in categorical homotopy theory which is a purely algebraic model of the notion of a well behaved topological space. Historically, this model arose from earlier work in combinatorial topology and… …   Wikipedia

  • Exotic sphere — In differential topology, a mathematical discipline, an exotic sphere is a differentiable manifold M that is homeomorphic but not diffeomorphic to the standard Euclidean n sphere. That is, M is a sphere from the point of view of all its… …   Wikipedia

  • Morse theory — Morse function redirects here. In another context, a Morse function can also mean an anharmonic oscillator: see Morse potential In differential topology, the techniques of Morse theory give a very direct way of analyzing the topology of a… …   Wikipedia

  • Mapping class group — In mathematics, in the sub field of geometric topology, the mapping class group is an important algebraic invariant of a topological space. Briefly, the mapping class group is a discrete group of symmetries of the space. Contents 1 Motivation 2… …   Wikipedia

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