small bottle

small bottle
бутылочка, пузырек Syn : vial, phial

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "small bottle" в других словарях:

  • small bottle — tiny bottle, tiny liquid container …   English contemporary dictionary

  • small arm — small armed, adj. Usually, small arms. a firearm designed to be held in one or both hands while being fired: in the U.S. the term is applied to weapons of a caliber of up to one in. (2.5 cm). [1680 90] * * * ▪ military technology Introduction… …   Universalium

  • Bottle cap — Bottle caps, or Closures, are used to seal the openings of bottles of many types. They can be small circular pieces of metal with plastic backings, and for plastic bottles a plastic cap is used instead. A bottle cap is typically colorfully… …   Wikipedia

  • Bottle conditioning — Bottle conditioned beers are either unfiltered so the final conditioning of the beer takes place in the bottle, or filtered and then reseeded with yeast so that an additional fermentation may take place. Not all bottle conditioned beers will… …   Wikipedia

  • Bottle-kicking — is an old Leicestershire custom that takes place in the village of Hallaton each Easter Monday.cite web url=http://www.historic Easter.htm title=The Folklore Year Easter publisher=Historic accessdate=2007 06… …   Wikipedia

  • bottle — ► NOUN 1) a container with a narrow neck, used for storing liquids. 2) Brit. informal one s courage or confidence. ► VERB 1) place in bottles for storage. 2) (bottle up) repress or conceal (one s feelings). 3) ( …   English terms dictionary

  • Bottle Caps (candy) — Bottle Caps are candies sold by Nestlé under their Willy Wonka Candy Company brand.The candies are made to look like metal soda bottle caps, and come in grape, cola, orange, root beer, and cherry flavors. They have a generally sweet but slightly… …   Wikipedia

  • Bottle Rockets (magazine) — Bottle Rockets (or bottle rockets) is a bi annual U.S. literary journal that publishes haiku/senryu and similar poetry. The journal is published by editor and designer Stanford M. Forrester, and publishes not only poetry, but also reviews and… …   Wikipedia

  • bottle opener — bottle ,opener noun count a small tool used for removing the lid from a bottle …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • bottle opener — bottle .opener n a small tool used for removing the metal lids from bottles …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Bottle cage — A bottle cage is device used to affix a water bottle to a bicycle. Composed of plastic, aluminum, stainless steel, titanium or carbon fiber, it is attached to the main frame of a bicycle, the handlebars, or behind the saddle. Most modern bicycles …   Wikipedia

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