slur over — index ignore, minimize Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
slur over — Synonyms and related words: allow for, becloud, befog, blanket, blind, blink, blink at, camouflage, carefully ignore, cloak, cloud, cold shoulder, color, conceal, cover, cover up, curtain, cut a corner, cut corners, diminish, dip into, discount,… … Moby Thesaurus
slur over — verb treat hurriedly or avoid dealing with properly • Syn: ↑gloss over, ↑skate over, ↑smooth over, ↑skimp over • Hypernyms: ↑treat, ↑handle, ↑do by … Useful english dictionary
slur — I n. insult 1) to cast a slur 2) an ethnic, racial slur 3) a slur on (his remark was a slur on my character) II v. (d; intr.) to slur over ( to minimize ) (to slur over a blunder) * * * [slɜː] racial slur [ insult ] to cast a slur an ethnic a… … Combinatory dictionary
slur — [c]/slɜ / (say sler) verb (slurred, slurring) –verb (t) 1. to pronounce (a syllable, word, etc.) indistinctly, as in hurried or careless utterance. 2. Music a. to sing in a single breath, or play without a break (two or more notes of different… …
slur — Synonyms and related words: accent, accent mark, affront, asperse, aspersion, attaint, bad mouth, badge of infamy, bar, bar sinister, baton, bedaub, befoul, bend sinister, besmear, besmirch, besmoke, bespatter, bestain, black eye, black mark,… … Moby Thesaurus
Slur — (sl[^u]r), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Slurred} (sl[^u]rd); p. pr. & vb. n. {Slurring} (sl[^u]r r[i^]ng).] [Cf. OE. sloor mud, clay, Icel. sl[=o]ra, slo[eth]ra, to trail or drag one s self along, D. sleuren, sloren, to train, to drag, to do negligently… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
slur — [slʉr] vt. slurred, slurring [prob. < MDu sleuren, to drag, move slowly, trail in mud: for IE base see SLUG1] 1. to pass over quickly and carelessly; make little of: often with over 2. to pronounce rapidly and indistinctly, as by combining or… … English World dictionary
Slur — Slur, n. 1. A mark or stain; hence, a slight reproach or disgrace; a stigma; a reproachful intimation; an innuendo. Gaining to his name a lasting slur. South. [1913 Webster] 2. A trick played upon a person; an imposition. [R.] [1913 Webster] 3.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
slur — ► VERB (slurred, slurring) 1) speak indistinctly. 2) pass over (a fact or aspect) so as to conceal or minimize it. 3) Music perform (a group of two or more notes) legato. 4) chiefly US make insinuations or allegations about. ► NOUN … English terms dictionary
Slur (music) — A slur is a symbol in Western musical notation indicating that the notes it embraces are to be played without separation. This implies legato articulation, and in music for bowed string instruments, it also indicates the notes should be played in … Wikipedia