Смотреть что такое "sluing" в других словарях:
Sluing — Slue Slue, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Slued}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Sluing}.] [Prov. E. slew to turn round, Scot. to lean or incline to a side; cf. Icel. sn?a to turn, bend.] [Written also {slew}.] 1. (Naut.) To turn about a fixed point, usually the center… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
sluing arch — noun Etymology: sluing from present participle of slue (II) : splayed arch … Useful english dictionary
sluing — sluË n. act of turning or rotating, slew v. slew; turn around, rotate, pivot; turn to the side, veer off to the side … English contemporary dictionary
slue — slue1 /slooh/, v., slued, sluing, n. v.t. 1. to turn (a mast or other spar) around on its own axis, or without removing it from its place. 2. to swing around. v.i. 3. to turn about; swing around. n. 4. the act of sluing. 5. a position slued to.… … Universalium
slue — slue1 [slo͞o] vt., vi. slued, sluing [< ?] to turn or swing around, as on a pivot or fixed point n. 1. the act of sluing 2. the position to which a thing has been slued slue2 [slo͞o] n. alt. sp. of SLOUGH … English World dictionary
Safety arch — Safety chain Safety chain (a) (Railroads) A normally slack chain for preventing excessive movement between a truck and a car body in sluing. (b) An auxiliary watch chain, secured to the clothes, usually out of sight, to prevent stealing of the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Safety belt — Safety chain Safety chain (a) (Railroads) A normally slack chain for preventing excessive movement between a truck and a car body in sluing. (b) An auxiliary watch chain, secured to the clothes, usually out of sight, to prevent stealing of the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Safety buoy — Safety chain Safety chain (a) (Railroads) A normally slack chain for preventing excessive movement between a truck and a car body in sluing. (b) An auxiliary watch chain, secured to the clothes, usually out of sight, to prevent stealing of the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Safety cage — Safety chain Safety chain (a) (Railroads) A normally slack chain for preventing excessive movement between a truck and a car body in sluing. (b) An auxiliary watch chain, secured to the clothes, usually out of sight, to prevent stealing of the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Safety chain — (a) (Railroads) A normally slack chain for preventing excessive movement between a truck and a car body in sluing. (b) An auxiliary watch chain, secured to the clothes, usually out of sight, to prevent stealing of the watch. (c) A chain of sheet… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Safety lamp — Safety chain Safety chain (a) (Railroads) A normally slack chain for preventing excessive movement between a truck and a car body in sluing. (b) An auxiliary watch chain, secured to the clothes, usually out of sight, to prevent stealing of the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English