
ˈsləudaun сущ.;
1) замедление
2) снижение темпа работы (вид забастовки) (разговорное) замедление, торможение - a business * спад деловой активности - a sales * снижение спроса (на товары) (разговорное) снижение темпа работы (вид итальянской забастовки) cyclical ~ циклический спад productivity ~ спад производительности slowdown разг. замедление ~ замедление ~ работа замедленными темпами, работа строго по правилам (вид забастовки) ~ снижение скорости ~ снижение темпа ~ снижение темпа работы (вид забастовки) ~ разг. снижение темпа работы (вид забастовки) ~ спад ~ торможение ~ in balance sheet growth снижение роста в балансовом отчете ~ in economic activity спад деловой активности ~ in economic activity спад хозяйственной деятельности ~ in economic activity спад экономической деятельности ~ in expenditure снижение расходов

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "slowdown" в других словарях:

  • slowdown — slow‧down [ˈsləʊdaʊn ǁ ˈsloʊ ] noun 1. [countable usually singular] when something gets slower: slowdown in • There s been a slowdown in domestic demand for automobiles. • A spokesman blamed heavy competition and the internationaleconomic… …   Financial and business terms

  • slowdown — slow·down / slō ˌdau̇n/ n: a slowing down of business operations by employees the term “strike” includes any strike...and any concerted slowdown U.S. Code Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 …   Law dictionary

  • slowdown — 1897, from SLOW (Cf. slow) + DOWN (Cf. down) …   Etymology dictionary

  • slowdown — [n] slacking off; gradual decrease arrest, deceleration, decline, delay, downtrend, downturn, drop, drop off, falloff, freeze, inactivity, retardation, slack, slackening, slow up, stagnation, stoppage, strike; concepts 121,130 Ant. breakthrough,… …   New thesaurus

  • slowdown — [slō′doun΄] n. a slowing down, as of production …   English World dictionary

  • Slowdown — A slowdown is an industrial action in which employees perform their duties but seek to reduce productivity or efficiency in their performance of these duties. A slowdown may be used as either a prelude or an alternative to a strike, as it is seen …   Wikipedia

  • slowdown — UK [ˈsləʊˌdaʊn] / US [ˈsloʊˌdaʊn] noun [countable] Word forms slowdown : singular slowdown plural slowdowns 1) [usually singular] a period when there is less activity an economic slowdown slowdown in: a slowdown in industrial activity 2) American …   English dictionary

  • slowdown — [[t]slo͟ʊdaʊn[/t]] slowdowns 1) N COUNT A slowdown is a reduction in speed or activity. There has been a sharp slowdown in economic growth. 2) N COUNT A slowdown is a protest in which workers deliberately work slowly and cause problems for their… …   English dictionary

  • slowdown — slow|down [ slou,daun ] noun count 1. ) usually singular a period when there is less activity: an economic slowdown slowdown in: a slowdown in industrial activity 2. ) AMERICAN a period when workers protest about something by working more slowly… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • slowdown — n. an economic slowdown * * * [ sləʊdaʊn] an economic slowdown …   Combinatory dictionary

  • slowdown — slow|down [ˈsləudaun US ˈslou ] n 1.) [C usually singular] a reduction in activity or speed slowdown in ▪ a slowdown in the US economy 2.) AmE a period when people deliberately work slowly in order to protest about something …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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