slow train

slow train

1) брит. почтовый поезд
2) поезд, идущий со всеми остановками Syn : stopping train

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "slow train" в других словарях:

  • Slow Train — is a song by the British duo Flanders and Swann, written in 1963. It laments the loss of British stations and railway lines in that era, due to the Beeching cuts, and also the passing of a way of life, with the advent of motorways etc.cquote| No… …   Wikipedia

  • Slow Train — est désormais un groupe célèbre de la scène électronique mondiale. Formé de Lady Z, chanteuse de soul britannique, et de Morten Varano, artiste et producteur danois, ce duo de musique électronique touche au nu jazz, au trip hop ou encore au… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • SLOW TRAIN — Группа Slow Train образована басистом Николаем Харитоновичем и гитаристом Дмитрием Павлюковым в 1996 году в Москве. В состав вошли: Андрей Жилин (барабаны), Николай Николаев (гитара), Павел Мерейско (гитара), Павел Воробьев (клавиши), Андрей… …   Русский рок. Малая энциклопедия

  • Slow Train Coming — Studio album by Bob Dylan Released August 20, 1979 Recorded April 30 May 1 …   Wikipedia

  • Slow Train Coming — студийный альбом …   Википедия

  • Slow Train (Flanders and Swann) — Slow Train ist ein Titel des britischen Gesangsduos Flanders and Swann aus dem Jahr 1963. Der Vorsitzende von British Railways Richard Beeching hatte einen Bericht vorgelegt, der unter dem Titel The Reshaping of British Railways große Einschnitte …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Slow Train Coming — Album par Bob Dylan Sortie 20 août 1979 Enregistrement mai 1979 Durée 46:19 Genre rock chrétien Producteur Jerry Wexl …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Slow Train to Izmir — is a play written by Mark Angus. It has been performed at the Southwark Playhouse, where it was directed by Maggie Zolinsky. The play is based on a true story and focuses on the Anglo Dutch archaeologist James Mellaart. In the late 1950s and… …   Wikipedia

  • Slow Train Coming — Álbum de Bob Dylan Publicación 20 de agosto de 1979 Grabación Ma …   Wikipedia Español

  • slow — adj 1 *stupid, dull, dense, crass, dumb 2 Slow, dilatory, laggard, deliberate, leisurely can apply to persons, their movements, or their actions, and mean taking a longer time than is necessary, usual, or sometimes, desirable. Slow (see also… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • slow´ness — slow «sloh», adjective, adverb, verb. –adj. 1. taking a long time; taking longer than usual; not fast or quick: »a slow journey, a slow messenger. 2. behind time; running at less than proper speed: »The fat man is a slow runner. Seldom readers… …   Useful english dictionary

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