slow running
Смотреть что такое "slow running" в других словарях:
slow-running — See idling … Dictionary of automotive terms
slow-running jet — A fine jet in the carburetor of a reciprocating engine, which alone supplies fuel when the throttle is at the idling position. Also called an idle jet … Aviation dictionary
slow — Synonyms and related words: Boeotian, Micawberish, after time, almost unheard of, ambling, apathetic, arid, arrest, arrested, averse, back, backpedal, backward, backwater, balking, balky, barren, behind, behind the times, behind time, behindhand … Moby Thesaurus
running — See daytime running lights slow running … Dictionary of automotive terms
slow´ness — slow «sloh», adjective, adverb, verb. –adj. 1. taking a long time; taking longer than usual; not fast or quick: »a slow journey, a slow messenger. 2. behind time; running at less than proper speed: »The fat man is a slow runner. Seldom readers… … Useful english dictionary
slow´ly — slow «sloh», adjective, adverb, verb. –adj. 1. taking a long time; taking longer than usual; not fast or quick: »a slow journey, a slow messenger. 2. behind time; running at less than proper speed: »The fat man is a slow runner. Seldom readers… … Useful english dictionary
Slow sand filter — Slow sand filters are used in water purification for treating raw water to produce a potable product. They are typically 1 to 2 metres deep, can be rectangular or cylindrical in cross section and are used primarily to treat surface water. The… … Wikipedia
Slow Train Coming — Studio album by Bob Dylan Released August 20, 1979 Recorded April 30 May 1 … Wikipedia
Slow Boat Records (store) — Slow Boat Records is Wellington, New Zealand’s longest running independent new and second hand record store. Situated at 183 Cuba Street in the vibrant and eclectic Te Aro area of the capitol’s downtown CBD, it has long been a favourite of the… … Wikipedia
Slow Children At Play — is a common sign seen in American cities urging motorists to slow down. [ ver=true] . The signs are seen around areas where children frequent, such as playgrounds and… … Wikipedia
slow-foot|ed — «SLOH FUT ihd», adjective. advancing slowly; slow moving; slow paced: »Figurative. get slow footed members of Congress off and running early (Harper s) … Useful english dictionary