- slow handclap
- медленные аплодисменты в унисон (выражают недовольство, особенно задержкой начала спектакля)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
slow handclap — Slow rhythmic clapping showing disapproval • • • Main Entry: ↑hand slow handclap see under ↑hand • • • Main Entry: ↑slow * * * slow handclap 7 [slow handclap] [ˌsl … Useful english dictionary
slow handclap — /sloʊ ˈhændklæp/ (say sloh handklap) noun slow, rhythmic clapping by an audience, usually to express displeasure, impatience at delay, or the like. Also, slow clap …
slow handclap — noun a slow, rhythmic clapping by an audience as a sign of displeasure or impatience … English new terms dictionary
slow — slow1 W2S2 [sləu US slou] adj comparative slower superlative slowest ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(not quick)¦ 2¦(taking too long)¦ 3¦(with delay)¦ 4¦(longer time)¦ 5¦(business)¦ 6¦(clock)¦ 7¦(not clever)¦ 8 … Dictionary of contemporary English
handclap — hand|clap [ˈhændklæp] n BrE slow handclap if people give someone a slow handclap, they hit their hands together slowly to show that they disapprove of them … Dictionary of contemporary English
handclap — /ˈhændklæp/ (say handklap) noun 1. Also, clap. the striking of one palm against the other, usually repeatedly to indicate appreciation. 2. → slow handclap. –verb (t) (handclapped, handclapping) 3. to give a slow handclap …
slow — adj., adv., & v. adj. 1 a taking a relatively long time to do a thing or cover a distance (also foll. by of: slow of speech). b not quick; acting or moving or done without speed. 2 gradual; obtained over a length of time (slow growth). 3 not… … Useful english dictionary
handclap — [[t]hæ̱ndklæp[/t]] handclaps N COUNT If a group of people give a handclap, they clap their hands. ...the crowd s slow handclap … English dictionary
slow clap — /sloʊ ˈklæp/ (say sloh klap) noun → slow handclap …
Applause — (Latin applaudere, to strike upon, clap) is primarily the expression of approval by the act of clapping, or striking the palms of the hands together, in order to create noise. Audiences are usually expected to applaud after a performance, such as … Wikipedia
Eric Clapton — Clapton on stage, Munich, Germany, on 5 June 2010 Background information Birth name Eric Patrick Clapton Also know … Wikipedia