- slow fuse
- плавкий предохранитель с задержкой срабатывания
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
fuse — I n. tube, wick used to set off an explosive charge 1) to light a fuse 2) a slow fuse (also fig.) II n. safety device 1) to blow, blow out (esp. AE) a fuse 2) to change a fuse 3) a safety fuse 4) a fuse blows, blows out (esp. AE) 5) (misc … Combinatory dictionary
Slow match — or match cord is the very slow burning cord or twine fuse used by early gunpowder musketeers, artillerymen, and soldiers to ignite matchlock muskets, cannons, and petards. Slow matches were most suitable for use around black powder weapons… … Wikipedia
slow match — slow′ match′ n. a slow burning match or fuse, often consisting of a rope or cord soaked in a solution of saltpeter • Etymology: 1795–1805 … From formal English to slang
slow match — n. a match, or fuse, that burns slowly, used for setting off blasting charges … English World dictionary
Fuse (electrical) — A miniature time delay fuse used to protect electronic equipment, rated 0.3 amperes at 250 volts. 1.25 inches (about 32 mm) long … Wikipedia
Fuse (explosives) — In an explosive, pyrotechnic device or military munition, a fuse (or fuze) is the part of the device that initiates function. In common usage, the word fuse is used indiscriminately. However, when being specific (and in particular in a military… … Wikipedia
fuse — fuse1 fuseless, adj. fuselike, adj. /fyoohz/, n., v., fused, fusing. n. 1. a tube, cord, or the like, filled or saturated with combustible matter, for igniting an explosive. 2. fuze (def. 1). 3. have a short fuse, Informal. to anger easily; have… … Universalium
fuse — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 (AmE also fuze) device that makes a bomb explode ADJECTIVE ▪ short ▪ long, slow VERB + FUSE ▪ set … Collocations dictionary
Fuse (hydraulic) — In hydraulic systems, a fuse is a component which prevents the sudden loss of hydraulic fluid pressure. It is a safety feature, designed to allow systems to continue operating, or at least to not fail catastrophically, in the event of a system… … Wikipedia
slow — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} verb ADVERB ▪ considerably, dramatically, markedly, noticeably, sharply, significantly ▪ Sales have slowed down quite markedly. ▪ … Collocations dictionary
slow- — [[t]slo͟ʊ [/t]] COMB in ADJ GRADED slow is used to form words which describe something that happens slowly. He was stuck in a line of slow moving traffic. ...a slow burning fuse … English dictionary