slough off

slough off

1) сбрасывать (кожу) Every spring this snake sloughs off its old skin. ≈ Каждую весну эта змея сбрасывает старую кожу.
2) разг. избавляться (от чего-л.) It's difficult to slough off old habits even when you want to. ≈ От старых привычек трудно отделаться, даже если вы этого хотите. сходить (о коже) сбрасывать (кожу) бросать, отбрасывать - she is now being sloughed off by her husband сейчас ее бросает муж - he had sloughed off all the petty cares он отбросил все мелочные заботы - one cannot easily * one's obligations to one's colleagues нельзя легко забывать о своих обязательствах по отношению к колегам избавляться (от чего-либо) - to * a bad habit (prejudices) избавиться от плохой привычки (от предрассудков)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "slough off" в других словарях:

  • slough off — (something) to ignore something or behave as if it was unimportant. Politicians sloughed off public anger over the hospital cutbacks until several newspapers ran articles about it. He wrecked the car and then tried to slough it off like it was… …   New idioms dictionary

  • slough off — phrasal verb [transitive] Word forms slough off : present tense I/you/we/they slough off he/she/it sloughs off present participle sloughing off past tense sloughed off past participle sloughed off 1) literary to get rid of something that you do… …   English dictionary

  • slough off — 1) see slough 2) PHRASAL VERB If you slough off something that you no longer want or need, you get rid of it. [WRITTEN] [V P n (not pron)] She tried hard to slough off her old personality... [V P n (not pron)] The nation states of Eastern Europe… …   English dictionary

  • slough off something — slough off (something) to ignore something or behave as if it was unimportant. Politicians sloughed off public anger over the hospital cutbacks until several newspapers ran articles about it. He wrecked the car and then tried to slough it off… …   New idioms dictionary

  • slough off — verb 1. discard as undesirable the candidate sloughed off his former campaign workers • Hypernyms: ↑get rid of, ↑remove • Verb Frames: Somebody s somebody 2. separate from surrounding living tissue, as in an abortion …   Useful english dictionary

  • slough off old prejudices — rid oneself of prejudice, get rid of previous opinions …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Slough — Slough, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Sloughed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Sloughing}.] (Med.) To form a slough; to separate in the form of dead matter from the living tissues; often used with off, or away; as, a sloughing ulcer; the dead tissues slough off slowly …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • slough — slough1 /slow/ for 1, 2, 4; /slooh/ for 3, n. 1. an area of soft, muddy ground; swamp or swamplike region. 2. a hole full of mire, as in a road. 3. Also, slew, slue. Northern U.S. and Canadian. a marshy or reedy pool, pond, inlet, backwater, or… …   Universalium

  • slough — I [[t]slaʊ[/t]] for 1,2,4; [[t]slu[/t]] for 3 n. 1) an area of soft, muddy ground; swamp or swamplike region 2) a hole full of mire, as in a road 3) brit. dial. Also, slew IV slue III a marshy pool, inlet, backwater, or the like. 4) a condition… …   From formal English to slang

  • slough — I. /slaʊ / (say slow) noun 1. a piece of soft, muddy ground; a hole full of mire, as in a road; marsh; swamp. 2. a condition of degradation, embarrassment, or helplessness. 3. Prison Colloquial a cell. –phrase 4. slough of despond, a state of… …  

  • slough — slough1 [slʌf] v slough off [slough sth<=>off] phr v [Date: 1700 1800; Origin: slough dead skin of an animal (14 21 centuries), of unknown origin] 1.) technical to get rid of a dead layer of skin 2.) literary to get rid of something,… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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