slosh about
Смотреть что такое "slosh about" в других словарях:
slosh about — ˌslosh aˈbout/aˈround derived (BrE, informal) (especially of money) to be available or present in large quantities • There s a lot of money sloshing around in professional tennis. Main entry: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
slosh — [slɔʃ US sla:ʃ] v [Date: 1800 1900; Origin: Probably from slop + slush] 1.) [I,T always + adverb/preposition] if a liquid sloshes somewhere, or if you slosh it, it moves or is moved about in an uncontrolled way slosh around/about ▪ Water was… … Dictionary of contemporary English
slosh — /slosh/, v.i. 1. to splash or move through water, mud, or slush. 2. (of a liquid) to move about actively within a container. v.t. 3. to stir or splash (something) around in a fluid: to slosh the mop in the pail. 4. to splash (liquid) clumsily or… … Universalium
slosh — [släsh] vt. [var. of SLUSH] 1. to shake or agitate (a liquid or something in a liquid) 2. to apply (a liquid) lavishly or carelessly vi. 1. to splash or move clumsily through water, mud, etc. 2. to splash about: said of a liquid n … English World dictionary
slosh — 1814, slush, sludge, probably a blend of slush and slop in its M.E. sense of muddy place. The verb meaning to splash about in mud or wet is from 1844. Meaning to pour carelessly is recorded from 1875. Sloshed drunk is recorded from c.1900 … Etymology dictionary
slosh — 1. n. beer; liquor. □ How about a glass of slosh? □ No slosh for me. Just plain water. 2. tv. & in. to drink liquor, including beer; to drink to excess. □ Are you going to slosh gin all night? □ … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
slosh — [[t]slɒʃ[/t]] v. i. 1) to splash or move through water, mud, or slush 2) (of a liquid) to move about actively within a container 3) to stir or splash (something) around in a fluid 4) to splash (liquid) clumsily or haphazardly 5) watery mire or… … From formal English to slang
slosh — verb 1 (intransitive always + adv/prep) if a liquid in a container sloshes around, it moves against the sides of its container in an uncontrolled way (+ around/about): Water sloshed about in the bottom of the boat. 2 (transitive always +… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
slosh — I. noun Etymology: probably blend of slop and slush Date: 1814 1. slush 1 2. the slap or splash of liquid • sloshy adjective II. verb Date: 1844 … New Collegiate Dictionary
slosh — v. & n. v. 1 intr. (often foll. by about) splash or flounder about, move with a splashing sound. 2 tr. Brit. sl. hit esp. heavily. 3 tr. colloq. a pour (liquid) clumsily. b pour liquid on. n. 1 slush. 2 a an instance of splashing. b the sound of… … Useful english dictionary
Storm surge — or tidal surge is an offshore rise of water associated with a low pressure weather system, typically a tropical cyclone. Storm surge is caused primarily by high winds pushing on the ocean s surface. The wind causes the water to pile up higher… … Wikipedia