- slops II
- n pl
1) готовое платье (дешёвое) ;
2) уст. широкие штаны
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
slops — SLÓPS, slopsuri, s.n. Produs petrolier de calitate inferioară, care trebuie prelucrat din nou pentru a putea fi folosit. – Din fr., engl. slops, germ. Slops. Trimis de IoanSoleriu, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98 slops s. n., pl. slópsuri Trimis de… … Dicționar Român
slops — waste water or liquid that has to be emptied by hand. → slop slops wide, baggy trousers, especially as worn by sailors. → slop … English new terms dictionary
Slops — (engl.), 1) weite Matrosenhosen; 2) Zeug, welches dazu verwendet wird … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
slops — [släps] pl.n. 〚ME sloppes, pl. of slop, sloppe < OE slop (as in oferslop, loose outer garment); akin to sliefe, SLEEVE〛 1. loosefitting outer garments; specif., a) [sing.] a smock, coveralls, or the like … Universalium
slops — [släps] pl.n. [ME sloppes, pl. of slop, sloppe < OE slop (as in oferslop, loose outer garment); akin to sliefe, SLEEVE] 1. loosefitting outer garments; specif., a) [sing.] a smock, coveralls, or the like b) Archaic baggy trousers or breeches 2 … English World dictionary
Slops — Slop Les slops sont des déchets maritimes, des boues qui restent au fond des citernes des navires : quand on stocke du pétrole brut ou d autres produits pétroliers, après un certain temps, il y a décantation des produits lourds et des… … Wikipédia en Français
slops — noun a) Scraps that will be fed to animals, particularly to hogs. I dont mind slopping the hogs, I just mind the stench of the slops. b) clothing and bedding issued to sailors (A direct quote from: 1897 Universal Dictionary of the English… … Wiktionary
slops — the police Punning back slang indicating disrespect: ... sent out a girl for the slops. (Sims, 1902 she was asked to fetch a policeman, not the wasted food) … How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms
slops — Synonyms and related words: barley, bilge, bilgewater, bird seed, bones, bran, carrion, cat food, chaff, chicken feed, chop, corn, culm, deadwood, dishwater, ditchwater, dog food, draff, dregs, dust, eatage, ensilage, feed, filings, fodder,… … Moby Thesaurus
Slops — pl n 1. beer; 2. the second or subsequent partner in a gang sex situation … Dictionary of Australian slang
slops — Australian Slang pl n 1. beer; 2. the second or subsequent partner in a gang sex situation … English dialects glossary