
ˈslɔpˌbeɪsn сущ. полоскательница полоскательница, полоскательная чашка

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "slop-basin" в других словарях:

  • Slop basin — Slop Slop, n. [OE. sloppe a pool; akin to As. sloppe, slyppe, the sloppy droppings of a cow; cf. AS. sl?pan to slip, and E. slip, v.i. Cf. {Cowslip}.] 1. Water or other liquid carelessly spilled or thrown aboyt, as upon a table or a floor; a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • slop basin — noun a bowl into which the dregs of teacups and coffee cups are emptied at the table • Syn: ↑slop bowl • Regions: ↑United Kingdom, ↑UK, ↑U.K., ↑Britain, ↑United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • slop-basin — noun A container used for urinating or defecating when it is not possible or inconvenient to go to a bathroom or toilet; a bedpan, a chamber pot. Commonly used in hospitals, where it is normally called bedpan. Formerly used in private residences …   Wiktionary

  • slop basin — Brit. a basin or bowl into which the dregs, leaves, and grounds of teacups and coffee cups are emptied at the table. Also called slop bowl. [1725 35] * * * …   Universalium

  • slop basin — /ˈslɒp beɪsən/ (say slop baysuhn) noun a small bowl for the reception of teacup dregs at table. Also, slop bowl …  

  • slop basin — noun Date: 1731 British slop bowl …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • slop basin —   Ipu aina …   English-Hawaiian dictionary

  • slop-basin — …   Useful english dictionary

  • Slop — Slop, n. [OE. sloppe a pool; akin to As. sloppe, slyppe, the sloppy droppings of a cow; cf. AS. sl?pan to slip, and E. slip, v.i. Cf. {Cowslip}.] 1. Water or other liquid carelessly spilled or thrown aboyt, as upon a table or a floor; a puddle; a …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Slop bowl — Slop Slop, n. [OE. sloppe a pool; akin to As. sloppe, slyppe, the sloppy droppings of a cow; cf. AS. sl?pan to slip, and E. slip, v.i. Cf. {Cowslip}.] 1. Water or other liquid carelessly spilled or thrown aboyt, as upon a table or a floor; a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Slop molding — Slop Slop, n. [OE. sloppe a pool; akin to As. sloppe, slyppe, the sloppy droppings of a cow; cf. AS. sl?pan to slip, and E. slip, v.i. Cf. {Cowslip}.] 1. Water or other liquid carelessly spilled or thrown aboyt, as upon a table or a floor; a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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