slop out — 1. (of a prisoner) to take away and empty out a bucket containing urine and faeces 2. To take slops from (a cell) • • • Main Entry: ↑slop * * * ˌslop ˈout derived (BrE) when prisoners slop out, they empty the containers that they use as toilets … Useful english dictionary
slop out — Brit. (in prison) empty the contents of a chamber pot. → slop … English new terms dictionary
slop out — Verb. To empty a prison chamber pot. E.g. Britain is full of old fashioned prisons where inmates are still expected to use chamber pots and complete the process of slopping out each morning. Prison use … English slang and colloquialisms
slop bucket — or slop pail noun A pail for removing bedroom slops or used by prisoners to slop out • • • Main Entry: ↑slop * * * slop basin, slop bowl, or slop bucket, a container for holding slops or swill … Useful english dictionary
slop — ► VERB (slopped, slopping) 1) (of a liquid) spill or flow over the edge of a container. 2) apply casually or carelessly. 3) (slop out) (especially in prison) empty the contents of a chamber pot. 4) (slop about/around) chiefly Brit. dress in an… … English terms dictionary
slop — slop1 [slɔp US sla:p] v past tense and past participle slopped present participle slopping 1.) [I always + adverb/preposition] if liquid slops somewhere, it moves around or over the edge of a container in an uncontrolled way = ↑splash ▪ Coffee… … Dictionary of contemporary English
slop — 1 verb slopped, slopping 1 (intransitive always + adv/prep) if liquid in a container slops, it moves around or over the edge in an uncontrolled way (+ around/about/over): The water slopped around in the bucket. 2 (T) to make liquid do this: slop… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
slop pail — noun a large pail used to receive waste water from a washbasin or chamber pot • Syn: ↑slop jar • Hypernyms: ↑bucket, ↑pail * * * noun : a pail for toilet or household slops * * * 1. a pail for conveying slop in feeding livestock, esp. pigs … Useful english dictionary
slop — 1. v. & n. v. (slopped, slopping) 1 (often foll. by over) a intr. spill or flow over the edge of a vessel. b tr. allow to do this. 2 tr. make (the floor, clothes, etc.) wet or messy by slopping, spill or splash liquid on. 3 intr. (usu. foll. by… … Useful english dictionary
slop — slop1 verb (slops, slopping, slopped) 1》 (of a liquid) spill or flow over the edge of a container. ↘apply (a liquid substance) casually or carelessly. ↘(slop out) Brit. (in prison) empty the contents of a chamber pot. 2》 (slop through)… … English new terms dictionary
Out of the Dark (Billy Bass Nelson album) — Out of the Dark Studio album by Billy Bass Nelson Released 1993 … Wikipedia