slit lengthwise
Смотреть что такое "slit lengthwise" в других словарях:
slit — [slit] vt. slit, slitting [ME slitten < OE * slittan, akin to MHG slitzen < WGmc * slitjan < base of Gmc * slitan (> OE slitan) < IE base * (s)kel , to cut > SHIELD, SHELL] 1. to cut or split open, esp. by a straight, lengthwise … English World dictionary
Slit — Slit, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Slit} or {Slitted}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Slitting}.] [OE. slitten, fr. sliten, AS. st[=i]tan to tear; akin to D. slijten to wear out, G. schleissen to slit, split, OHG. sl[=i]zan to split, tear, wear out, Icel. st[=i]ta to… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Slit — Slit, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Slit} or {Slitted}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Slitting}.] [OE. slitten, fr. sliten, AS. st[=i]tan to tear; akin to D. slijten to wear out, G. schleissen to slit, split, OHG. sl[=i]zan to split, tear, wear out, Icel. st[=i]ta to… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
slit drum — ▪ musical instrument percussion instrument formed by hollowing a tree trunk through a lengthwise slit and sounded by the players stamping feet or by beating with sticks; the edges of the slit are usually of different thicknesses, so as to… … Universalium
slit — n. & v. n. 1 a long straight narrow incision. 2 a long narrow opening comparable to a cut. (slitting; past and past part. slit) 1 make a slit in; cut or tear lengthwise. 2 cut into strips. Phrases and idioms: slit eyed having long narrow… … Useful english dictionary
slit — slɪt n. strait and narrow cut or opening v. cut open along a line, make a straight narrow cut, cut lengthwise; cut into strips … English contemporary dictionary
slit — I. v. a. 1. Cut (lengthwise). 2. Sunder, divide, rend, cut, split. II. n. Long cut … New dictionary of synonyms
Birch bark — or birchbark is generally understood to be the bark of the Paper Birch tree ( Betula papyrifera ), or sometimes of related species such as Gray (Wire) Birch ( Betula populifolia ).The strong and water resistant cardboard like bark can be easily… … Wikipedia
House rabbit — A house rabbit is a domestic rabbit kept as a pet for companionship, who lives inside the home with his owners. They have an indoor pen and a rabbit safe place to run and exercise, such as a living or family room. Rabbits are easily trained to… … Wikipedia
Kippering — The verb, to kipper , means to preserve meat (fish, poultry, etc.) by rubbing with salt and/or spices, followed by drying in smoke or warm air. This process is customarily enhanced by cleaning, filleting, butterflying or slicing the food to… … Wikipedia
DEEP, THE — The ancient Hebrews believed that the earth lay across an all encompassing ocean, which they called tehom. The term is used in the Bible either for the primordial waters in toto (Gen. 1:2) or for the upper or lower portion alone (cf. Ps. 42:8).… … Encyclopedia of Judaism