- slip sheet
- прокладочный лист, используемый вместо поддона
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Slip Sheet — Slip Sheets are thin pallet sized sheets made of plastic or fibreboard, used in commercial shipping.DescriptionThe slip sheet is used as a unit load support device in vehicle delivery and transportation of products. When slip sheets are supported … Wikipedia
slip-sheet — (slĭpʹshēt ) n. A blank sheet of paper slipped between newly printed sheets to prevent offsetting. tr.v. slip ·sheet·ed, slip ·sheet·ing, slip ·sheets To insert blank sheets between (printed sheets). * * * … Universalium
slip|sheet — «SLIHP SHEET», verb, noun. –v.t., v.i. to place blank sheets of paper between (printed sheets) to prevent the offset of wet ink. –n. a blank sheet used for this … Useful english dictionary
slip sheet — noun Etymology: slip (I) 1. : a sheet of paper placed between newly printed sheets to prevent offsetting 2. : a protective sheet of paper placed between adjacent surfaces (as of bound books packed together) * * * slip sheet noun (printing) A… … Useful english dictionary
Slip sheet — Als Slip sheet bezeichnet man in der Logistik eine Lage aus Pappe oder Kunststoff, die zwischen einer Transportpalette und der Ladeeinheit platziert wird. Durch die Möglichkeit des Gleitens wird die Handhabung über eine Zugvorrichtung… … Deutsch Wikipedia
slip-sheet — ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ transitive verb Etymology: slip sheet 1. : to interleave (as printed sheets) with slip sheets 2. : to protect (as books) with slip sheets … Useful english dictionary
slip sheet — noun a) Sheet material, such as reinforced kraft paper, rosin sized paper, polyester scrim or polyethylene sheeting, placed between two components of a roof assembly to ensure that no adhesion occurs between them and to prevent possible damage… … Wiktionary
slip-sheet — transitive verb Date: circa 1909 to insert slip sheets between (newly printed sheets) … New Collegiate Dictionary
slip sheet — noun Etymology: 1slip Date: 1903 a sheet of paper placed between newly printed sheets to prevent offsetting … New Collegiate Dictionary
slip sheet — noun Printing a sheet of paper placed between newly printed sheets to prevent set off or smudging … English new terms dictionary
slip — 1. v. & n. v. (slipped, slipping) 1 intr. slide unintentionally esp. for a short distance; lose one s footing or balance or place by unintended sliding. 2 intr. go or move with a sliding motion (as the door closes the catch slips into place;… … Useful english dictionary