Смотреть что такое "sling-chair" в других словарях:
sling chair — noun Etymology: sling (III) : a chair formed of a metal or wooden frame to which a piece of canvas, leather, or other flexible material is loosely fitted * * * any of several varieties of chairs having a seat and back formed from a single sheet… … Useful english dictionary
sling chair — any of several varieties of chairs having a seat and back formed from a single sheet of canvas, leather, or the like, hanging loosely in a frame. * * * … Universalium
chair — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. chairperson, man, or woman, convenor, coordinator, moderator, speaker, master of ceremonies, MC, emcee, toastmaster, roastmaster (sl.); seat (See furniture); professorship, judgeship, fellowship. See… … English dictionary for students
Sling (furniture) — Sling furniture is usually a suspended, free swinging chair or bed that is made of a framework connected to hanging straps or rope. When attached to poles or a frame for carrying, a sling becomes a stretcher, a simple form of litter.Fetish sex… … Wikipedia
chair — [n1] single seat furniture armchair, bench, cathedra, recliner, rocker, sling*; concept 443 chair [n2] person in or position of authority captain, chairperson, director, fellowship, helm, instructorship, leader, monitor, position of control,… … New thesaurus
sling — 1. n. & v. n. 1 a strap, belt, etc., used to support or raise a hanging weight, e.g. a rifle, a ship s boat, or goods being transferred. 2 a bandage looped round the neck to support an injured arm. 3 a strap or string used with the hand to give… … Useful english dictionary
sling — [[t]slɪ̱ŋ[/t]] slings, slinging, slung 1) VERB If you sling something somewhere, you throw it there carelessly. [V n prep/adv] Marla was recently seen slinging her shoes at Trump... [V n prep/adv] I saw him take off his anorak and sling it into… … English dictionary
butterfly chair — noun Etymology: so called from the resemblance of the cloth sling to the outspread wings of a butterfly : a lounging chair consisting of a cloth sling supported by a frame of metal tubing or bars * * * a sling chair in which a canvas or leather… … Useful english dictionary
butterfly chair — a sling chair in which a canvas or leather sling is suspended from a metal frame by its corners, forming a wide back and seat in a shape resembling the outstretched wings of a butterfly. [1950 55] * * * … Universalium
Butterfly chair — A butterfly chair, also known as a BFK chair , is a style of chair featuring a folding frame and a large cloth sling hung from the frames highest points. This design is popular for portable recreational seating.HistoryThe BKF chair was designed… … Wikipedia
butterfly chair — but′terfly chair n. fur a chair in which a canvas sling is suspended from a metal frame by its corners, forming a wide back and seat … From formal English to slang