sliding forms

sliding forms
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Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "sliding forms" в других словарях:

  • Sliding filament model — Ratchet mechanism redirects here (it is the name given in some textbooks to the sliding filament mechanism). For the mechanical device, see Ratchet (device) The sliding filament theory describes a process used by muscles to contract. It was… …   Wikipedia

  • sliding door — UK [ˌslaɪdɪŋ ˈdɔː(r)] / US [ˌslaɪdɪŋ ˈdɔr] noun [countable] Word forms sliding door : singular sliding door plural sliding doors a door that you open and close by sliding it …   English dictionary

  • sliding scale — UK [ˌslaɪdɪŋ ˈskeɪl] / US noun [countable] Word forms sliding scale : singular sliding scale plural sliding scales a system of making payments or paying taxes where the amount that you pay changes according to a fixed set of rates The doctor has… …   English dictionary

  • Sliding gauge — Gauge Gauge, n. [Written also gage.] 1. A measure; a standard of measure; an instrument to determine dimensions, distance, or capacity; a standard. [1913 Webster] This plate must be a gauge to file your worm and groove to equal breadth by. Moxon …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • sliding board — noun plaything consisting of a sloping chute down which children can slide • Syn: ↑slide, ↑playground slide • Derivationally related forms: ↑slide (for: ↑slide) • Hypernyms: ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • sliding hernia — hernia of the cecum (on the right) or the sigmoid colon (on the left) in which the intestinal wall forms a portion of the hernial sac, the remainder of the sac being formed by the parietal peritoneum. Called also extrasaccular, slip, or slipped h …   Medical dictionary

  • Опалубка скользящая — – применяют при возведении силосов и рабочих башен, ядер жесткости и стен зданий повышенной этажности. В отличие от других, скользящая опалубка при перемещении по высоте не отделяется от бетонной конструкции, а скользит по ее поверхности,… …   Энциклопедия терминов, определений и пояснений строительных материалов

  • arts, East Asian — Introduction       music and visual and performing arts of China, Korea, and Japan. The literatures of these countries are covered in the articles Chinese literature, Korean literature, and Japanese literature.       Some studies of East Asia… …   Universalium

  • theatre — /thee euh teuhr, theeeu /, n. theater. * * * I Building or space in which performances are given before an audience. It contains an auditorium and stage. In ancient Greece, where Western theatre began (5th century BC), theatres were constructed… …   Universalium

  • glacial landform — ▪ geology Introduction  any product of flowing ice and meltwater. Such landforms are being produced today in glaciated areas, such as Greenland, Antarctica, and many of the world s higher mountain ranges. In addition, large expansions of present… …   Universalium

  • interior design — 1. the design and coordination of the decorative elements of the interior of a house, apartment, office, or other structural space, including color schemes, fittings, furnishings, and sometimes architectural features. 2. the art, business, or… …   Universalium

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