- sliding block
- ползун, крейцкопф;
кулисный камень
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Newmark's sliding block — The Newmark s sliding block analysis method is an engineering method used to calculate the permanent displacements of soil slopes (also embankments and dams) during seismic loading. It is also simply called Newmark s analysis or Sliding block… … Wikipedia
Sliding puzzle — A sliding puzzle, sliding block puzzle, or sliding tile puzzle challenges a player to slide usually flat pieces along certain routes (usually on a board) to establish a certain end configuration. The fifteen puzzle is a the oldest type of sliding … Wikipedia
sliding-wedge breech-block — pleištinė pabūklo spyna statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Šovininio ir tūtinio užtaisymo spyna, naudojama mažo ir vidutinio kalibro patrankose su vientisiniais ir dvinariais šaudmenimis. Būna vertikaliosios (mažo kalibro pabūkluose) ir… … Artilerijos terminų žodynas
Falling block action — A falling block action (also known as a sliding block action) is a single shot firearm action in which a solid metal breechblock slides vertically in grooves cut into the breech of the rifle and actuated by a lever. When in the top position, it… … Wikipedia
Shoe block — Shoe Shoe (sh[=oo]), n.; pl. {Shoes} (sh[=oo]z), formerly {Shoon} (sh[=oo]n), now provincial. [OE. sho, scho, AS. sc[=o]h, sce[ o]h; akin to OFries. sk[=o], OS. sk[=o]h, D. schoe, schoen, G. schuh, OHG. scuoh, Icel. sk[=o]r, Dan. & Sw. sko, Goth … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Unicode-Block Verschiedene Symbole — Der Unicode Block Miscellaneous Symbols (Verschiedene Symbole) (2600–26FF) enthält entsprechend seinem Namen ein Sammelsurium von Symbolen und Figuren aus verschiedensten Lebensbereichen, darunter Symbole für Wetterkarten, religiöse Symbole,… … Deutsch Wikipedia
by-passing sliding door — n. Two doors mounted on tracks parallel to each other that when one or both are slid to opposite extremes block the opening. Typically, one may be moved behind the other to allow access … Locksmith dictionary
скользящий камень — sliding block Звено поступательной пары, имеющее меньшую протяженность сопрягаемого звена элемента по сравнению с сопрягаемым элементом другого звена. Шифр IFToMM: 1.1.11 Раздел: СТРУКТУРА МЕХАНИЗМОВ … Теория механизмов и машин
Klotski — screenshot of FORGET ME NOT level in Windows Entertainment Pack version Klotski (from Polish klocki wooden blocks) is a sliding block puzzle. Sometimes it only refers to the block arrangement in the right hand side diagram, where the largest… … Wikipedia
List of British ordnance terms — This article explains terms used to describe the British Armed Forces ordnance (i.e.: weapons and ammunition) used in World War I and World War II. Note that the terms may have slightly different meanings in the military of other countries.BDBD… … Wikipedia
Data deduplication — In computing, data deduplication is a specialized data compression technique for eliminating coarse grained redundant data. The technique is used to improve storage utilization and can also be applied to network data transfers to reduce the… … Wikipedia