slider contact
Смотреть что такое "slider contact" в других словарях:
Slider (BEAM) — In BEAM robotics, a Slider is a robot that has a mode of locomotion by moving body parts smoothly along a surface while remaining in contact with it. Genera* Snakes : Driven mode of locomotion in a horizontal wave motion. * Earthworms : Driven… … Wikipedia
Contact play — The contact play is a base running play in the sport of baseball. It can take place with a runner on third base and/or a runner at second base. Similar to the safety squeeze play, the runner at third breaks for home as soon as he sees that the… … Wikipedia
Red-eared slider — Taxobox name = Red Eared Slider status = LC status system = iucn2.3 image width = 250px image caption = Red eared slider regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis = Sauropsida subclassis = Anapsida ordo = Testudines familia = Emydidae genus =… … Wikipedia
Knuckle slider — The knuckle slider is an uncommon pitch in most of baseball. It is a very slow pitch that breaks to one side. Its intended use is to make the batter overanticipate and swing early. Also, because of the pitches breaking nature, it is very hard for … Wikipedia
скользящий электрический контакт — cкользящий электрический контакт Электрический контакт, существующий при скольжении одной контакт детали по другой [ГОСТ 14312 79] cкользящий контакт Контакт при котором одна из деталей перемещается (скользит) относительно другой, но… … Справочник технического переводчика
Curling — Highest governing body World Curling Federation N … Wikipedia
Potentiometer — This article is about the electrical component. For the measuring instrument, see Potentiometer (measuring instrument). Potentiometer A typical single turn potentiometer Type Passive Electronic s … Wikipedia
List of SASUKE Stages — Sasuke is a Japanese sports entertainment television special that airs on the Tokyo Broadcasting System (TBS) between Japanese television drama seasons, and consists of a competition in which 100 competitors attempt to complete four obstacle… … Wikipedia
Glossary of curling — This is a glossary of terms in curling. Contents: Top · 0–9 · A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #s … Wikipedia
Curling terminology — This is a glossary of terms in curling.# sDuring a game, sweepers might call out numbers. These numbers indicate how far the sweepers think the rock in play will travel. This system is relatively new to the game and is often attributed to the… … Wikipedia
Comparison of image viewers — This article presents a comparison of image viewers and image organizers which can be used for image viewing. Contents 1 General information 2 Supported file formats 3 Supported desktop environments … Wikipedia