- slices
- Пластины
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
slices — slaɪs n. thin piece cut from a larger object; portion, share v. cut into slices, cut into portions; cut off from; make a cut in, cut into; cleave, move quickly through … English contemporary dictionary
SLICES — … Useful english dictionary
Ordenación arbitraria de slices — La ordenación arbitraria de slices (ASO) es un algoritmo para la prevención de pérdidas. Se utiliza para reestructurar la representación de las regiones fundamentales (macrobloques) de una imagen. Este tipo de algoritmo evita la necesidad de… … Wikipedia Español
three slices short (of a full loaf) — mentally disabled, one brick short... If you order worm soup, they ll think you re three slices short … English idioms
sugar beet slices with molasses — cukrinių runkelių griežiniai su melasa statusas Aprobuotas sritis pašarai apibrėžtis Produktas, gaunamas džiovintus cukrinių runkelių griežinius sumaišius su melasa. Druskos rūgštyje netirpių pelenų sausojoje medžiagoje ne daugiau kaip 4,5 proc.… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
cut bread into slices — slice bread, cut bread into thin pieces … English contemporary dictionary
Pastrami — Slices of pastrami Pastrami (Romanian: pastramă, Yiddish: פּאַסטראָמע pastróme), is a popular delicatessen meat usually made from beef and, traditionally in Romania, also from pork and mutton. In Israel, Pastrama is the term used for sliced… … Wikipedia
Dry-cured ham — Slices of Prosciutto di Parma, a dry cured ham Dry cured ham originated as a meat preservation process. Through dry curing, the ham can be stored for several months. The processing technology is based on traditional knowledge passed from one… … Wikipedia
cold cuts — slices of unheated salami, bologna, ham, liverwurst, turkey, or other meats and sometimes cheeses. [1940 45, Amer.] * * * … Universalium
Meat preservation — Slices of beef in a box. Meat preservation (including livestock, game poultry), includes a set treatment processes for preserving nutritious properties, taste, texture and color of raw, partially cooked or cooked meats while keeping them edible… … Wikipedia
fairy bread — Slices of white bread cut into triangles, buttered and sprinkled with tiny, coloured sugar balls called hundreds and thousands . Fairy bread is frequently served at children s parties in Australia. The name possibly comes from the poem Fairy… … Australian idioms