slew III
Смотреть что такое "slew III" в других словарях:
slew — I [[t]slu[/t]] v. pt. of slay II slew [[t]slu[/t]] n. Informal. a large number or quantity: a whole slew of people[/ex] • Etymology: 1830–40, amer.; < Ir sluagh crowd, army, host III slew [[t]slu[/t]] v. t. v. i. n. navig. slue I IV slew … From formal English to slang
slew — I. past of slay II. variant of slough I 1b III. verb also slue Etymology: origin unknown Date: circa 1769 transitive verb 1. to turn (as a telescope or a ship s spar) about a fixed point that is usually the axis … New Collegiate Dictionary
slew — I. /slu / (say slooh) verb past tense of slay. II. /slu / (say slooh) verb (t) 1. to turn or twist (something), especially upon its own axis or without moving it from its place. 2. to cause to swing round: *Sam, however, instead of pulling a long …
Grand Theft Auto III — ] GSpy = 94 of 100] MG = 95 of 100 [cite web|url= theft auto iii/mobyrank|title=Grand Theft Auto III for PlayStation 2 MobyGames|publisher=MobyGames|accessdate=2008 07 01] Upon its release, Grand Theft Auto… … Wikipedia
Henry T. Nicholas III — Henry Thompson Nicholas Nick III (b.1959), is an American communications technology businessman. [ Brief biography of Henry T. Nicholas III ] . Associated Press. (c/o Forbes ). June 05, 2008 … Wikipedia
John Sidney McCain III — John McCain Ne doit pas être confondu avec McCain Foods. John McCain … Wikipédia en Français
Zacharias III of Makuria — Zacharias III or Zakarya (c.822 c.854) was ruler of the Nubian kingdom of Makuria. In 833 he ceased paying the Baqt to the rulers of Egypt, and prepared to fight the Abbasid Caliph al Mu tasim (833 842) over the tribute. He sent his son Feraki to … Wikipedia
Shalmaneser III — (reigned ca. 858 824 b.c.) The son of Ashurnasirpal II and one of the more aggressive of Assyria s kings during the empire s third and greatest period of expansion. Shalmaneser led military campaigns on all three of Assyria s traditional… … Ancient Mesopotamia dictioary
slue — I or slew III [[t]slu[/t]] v. slued, slu•ing, n. 1) naut. navig. to turn or swing around, as a mast on its own axis 2) naut. navig. the act of sluing 3) naut. navig. a position slued to • Etymology: 1760–70; orig. uncert. II slue [[t]slu[/t]] n.… … From formal English to slang
slewed — I. üd adjective Etymology: from past participle of slew (III) (to twist) : somewhat intoxicated : tipsy II. adjective Etymology: slew ( … Useful english dictionary
slue — I. variant of slough I 1b II. variant of slew III III. noun Etymology: 2slue Date: circa 1860 1. position or inclination after slewing 2. skid 5 … New Collegiate Dictionary