Смотреть что такое "sleepful" в других словарях:
Sleepful — Sleep ful, a. Strongly inclined to sleep; very sleepy. {Sleep ful*ness}, n. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
sleepful — adjective Strongly inclined to sleep; very sleepy … Wiktionary
sleepful — sleep·ful … English syllables
sleepful — … Useful english dictionary
Sleepfulness — Sleepful Sleep ful, a. Strongly inclined to sleep; very sleepy. {Sleep ful*ness}, n. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
sleep — sleepful, adj. sleeplike, adj. /sleep/, v., slept, sleeping, n. v.i. 1. to take the rest afforded by a suspension of voluntary bodily functions and the natural suspension, complete or partial, of consciousness; cease being awake. 2. Bot. to… … Universalium
wakeful — wakefully, adv. wakefulness, n. /wayk feuhl/, adj. 1. unable to sleep; not sleeping; indisposed to sleep: Excitement made the children wakeful. 2. characterized by absence of sleep: a wakeful night. 3. watchful; alert; vigilant: a wakeful foe.… … Universalium
anesthetized — Synonyms and related words: affectless, arctic, asleep, autistic, benumbed, blunt, cataleptic, catatonic, chill, chilly, cold, cold as charity, cold blooded, coldhearted, comatose, cool, dead, deadened, dispassionate, doped, dozy, dreamy, drowsy … Moby Thesaurus
comatose — Synonyms and related words: Laodicean, Olympian, aloof, anesthetic, anesthetized, apathetic, asleep, benumbed, blah, blase, cataleptic, catatonic, cold, dead, dead asleep, deep asleep, desensitized, detached, disinterested, doped, dopey, dormant … Moby Thesaurus
doped — Synonyms and related words: anesthetized, asleep, cataleptic, catatonic, cold, comatose, dead, dozy, dreamy, drowsy, drugged, drugged with sleep, half asleep, half conscious, heavy, heavy with sleep, heavy eyed, high, hopped up, in a stupor,… … Moby Thesaurus
dreamy — Synonyms and related words: Barmecidal, Barmecide, absent, absent minded, absentminded, absorbed, abstracted, airy, anesthetized, apparent, apparitional, appeasing, astral, autistic, bemused, calming, castle building, cataleptic, charmed,… … Moby Thesaurus