Смотреть что такое "slayer" в других словарях:
Slayer — Slayer … Википедия
Slayer — De gauche à droite : Jeff Hanneman, Tom Araya, Kerry King, Dave Lombardo Pays d’origine … Wikipédia en Français
Slayer — Slay er, n. One who slays; a killer; a murderer; a destroyer of life. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Slayer — es un grupo estadounidense de Thrash metal formado en California en 1982. Junto con Megadeth, Anthrax y Metallica se les considera como los cuatro grupos que cambiaron el genero del metal en los ochenta. Se le ha criticado fuertemente por poseer… … Enciclopedia Universal
Slayer — For other uses, see Slayer (disambiguation). Slayer Slayer performing at Fields of Rock in 2007. Background information Origin … Wikipedia
Slayer — Slayer … Wikipedia Español
slayer — slay ► VERB (past slew; past part. slain) 1) archaic or literary kill in a violent way. 2) N. Amer. murder. DERIVATIVES slayer noun. ORIGIN Old English … English terms dictionary
Slayer (Fanzine) — Slayer ist ein einflussreiches norwegisches Metal Fanzine. Geschichte Jon „Metalion“ Kristiansen veröffentlichte die erste Ausgabe des Slayer 1985. Diese und die folgende waren komplett auf norwegisch und noch ohne Interviews, die thrash metal… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Slayer (disambiguation) — Slayer may refer to: * Slayer, an American thrash metal band * Slayer rule, a doctrine prohibiting a murderer to inherit from the victim * Vampire Slayers, several characters in the TV series Buffy the Vampire Slayer and associated media * Slayer … Wikipedia
Slayer of Innocence — is a 2003 biography by Jim Conover. Slayer of Innocence is narrated by a police officer who investigates a suspected predatory paedophile serial killer of young boys. The book details in first person narrative the true events of a lengthy… … Wikipedia
Slayer Pavilion — is an installation art piece by David Dorrell, Melissa Frost and Mihda Koray. It appeared at the 10th Istanbul Biennial in September 2007 [ [ Artvehicle > Archive Issue 23 ] ] as Room… … Wikipedia