Смотреть что такое "slantwise" в других словарях:
Slantwise — Slant wise , Slantly Slant ly, adv. In an inclined direction; obliquely; slopingly. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
slantwise — [slant′wāz΄slantwīz΄] adv. so as to slant or slope; obliquely: also slantways [slant′wāz΄] adj. slanting; oblique … English World dictionary
slantwise — slant ► VERB 1) diverge from the vertical or horizontal; slope or lean. 2) present or view (information) from a particular angle, especially in a biased or unfair way. ► NOUN 1) a sloping position. 2) a point of view. ► ADJECTIVE ▪ sloping … English terms dictionary
slantwise — adverb at a slant; moving or directed in a slantwise position or direction (Freq. 1) • Syn: ↑slantways … Useful english dictionary
slantwise — adverb or adjective see slant II … New Collegiate Dictionary
slantwise — /slant wuyz , slahnt /, adv. 1. aslant; obliquely. adj. 2. slanting; oblique. Also, slantways /slant wayz , slahnt /. [1565 75; SLANT + WISE] * * * … Universalium
slantwise — 1. adjective diagonal, in a direction or orientation between cardinal axes 2. adverb diagonally, in a direction or orientation between cardinal axes … Wiktionary
slantwise — adj. sloping, inclined, slanting adv. at an angle, obliquely, in a slanting direction … English contemporary dictionary
slantwise — /ˈslæntwaɪz/ (say slantwuyz), /ˈslant / (say slahnt ) adverb 1. aslant; obliquely. –adjective 2. slanting; oblique. {slant + wise} …
slantwise adv. aslant. — slap v., n., & adv. v. (slapped, slapping) 1 tr. & intr. strike with the palm of the hand or a flat object, or so as to make a similar noise. 2 tr. lay forcefully (slapped the money on the table; slapped a writ on the offender). 3 tr. put hastily … Useful english dictionary
Slantly — Slantwise Slant wise , Slantly Slant ly, adv. In an inclined direction; obliquely; slopingly. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English