slag glass
Смотреть что такое "slag glass" в других словарях:
slag glass — noun : an opaque marbled glass … Useful english dictionary
Slag — is the by product of smelting ore to purify metals. They can be considered to be a mixture of metal oxides; however, they can contain metal sulfides (see also matte) and metal atoms in the elemental form. While slags are generally used as a waste … Wikipedia
slag — slag1 [slæg] n [Date: 1500 1600; : Middle Low German; Origin: slagge] 1.) BrE taboo informal a very offensive word for a woman who has sex with a lot of different people. Do not use this word. 2.) [U] a waste material similar to glass, which… … Dictionary of contemporary English
slag — 1 noun 1 (U) light waste material rather like glass, which is left when metal is obtained from rock 2 (C) BrE slang an insulting word for a woman, used to suggest that she has had a lot of sexual partners slaggy adjective 2 slag sb off phrasal… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
Opaline glass — The term opaline in current times refers to many forms of opaque and colored glass. In France the term opaline is used to refer to multiple types of glass and not specifically antique colored crystal or semi crystal. The idea that the term… … Wikipedia
Anglo-Saxon glass — has been found across England during archaeological excavations of both settlement and cemetery sites. Glass in the Anglo Saxon period was used in the manufacture of a range of objects including vessels, beads, windows and was even used in… … Wikipedia
Forest glass — The term Forest glass or the German name Waldglas is given to late Medieval glass produced in North Western Europe from about 1000 1700AD using wood ash and sand as the main raw materials and made in factories known as glass houses in forest… … Wikipedia
Oralit — (auch Achat Kunstglas, Marmorglas , im englischen Sprachraum Cloud glass oder Slag glass genannt) ist eine Verzierungsart von Pressglas, die in den 1930er Jahren größere Verwendung insbesondere für Vasen und ähnliche Gegenstände fand. Zur… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Sandblasting — Historically, the material used for artificial sandblasting was sand that had been sieved to a uniform size. The silica dust produced in the sandblasting process caused silicosis after sustained inhalation of dust. Several countries and… … Wikipedia
Preßglas — Weißbierglas (Berliner Weiße) und Humpen, nach 1900 Industriell hergestelltes Pressglas, also in mechanisierten Prozessen in Form geblasenes oder gepresstes Glas, gibt es seit Anfang des 19. Jahrhundert. Die ersten Fertigungslinien wurden 1825… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Pressglas — Weißbierglas (Berliner Weiße) und Humpen, nach 1900 … Deutsch Wikipedia