sky surfing

sky surfing
(спортивное) дельтапланеризм

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "sky surfing" в других словарях:

  • sky surfing — noun The sport of free falling from an aeroplane with a modified surfboard attached to the feet, which is used to ride the air currents • • • Main Entry: ↑sky * * * sky surfing UK US noun [uncountable] a sport that involves jumping from an… …   Useful english dictionary

  • sky surfing — sky ,surfing noun uncount a sport that involves jumping from an aircraft with a SURFBOARD and a PARACHUTE and riding on the currents of air …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • sky-surfing, sky-surfings ou sky-surf, sky-surfs — ● sky surfing, sky surfings ou sky surf, sky surfs nom masculin (anglais sky, ciel et to surf, surfer) Discipline sportive relevant du parachutisme. (Le sauteur évolue dans les airs sur une sorte de surf en étant filmé par son partenaire qui… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • sky surfing — sky′ surf ing n. 1) spo the sport of jumping from an airplane with a small board attached to one s feet, so that one can ride the air currents and do stunts before opening a parachute 2) hang gliding • Etymology: 1970–75 …   From formal English to slang

  • sky surfing — noun the sport of jumping from an aircraft and surfing through the air on a board before landing by parachute …   English new terms dictionary

  • sky surfing — UK / US noun [uncountable] a sport that involves jumping from an aircraft with a surfboard and a parachute and riding on the currents of air …   English dictionary

  • Sky-surfer — Sky surfing is a fictional sport practiced in the world of the British Judge Dredd comic books, often featuring the champion sky surfer Chopper. It is like ordinary surfing, but is done on a surfboard rigged with anti gravity that floats in the… …   Wikipedia

  • Sky Dayton — Sky Dylan Dayton (born 8 August 1971) is an American entrepreneur.Dayton is the founder of EarthLink, co founder of eCompanies, founder and Chairman of Boingo and the Chairman of Helio. He was a recipient of the TR100 award.Early lifeDayton s… …   Wikipedia

  • Crowd surfing — A vocalist crowd surfing at the Alimas Carnival, Maldives. Crowd surfing is the process in which a person is passed overhead from person to person during a concert, transferring the person from one part of the venue to another. The crowd surfer… …   Wikipedia

  • Skysurfing — Sky surfing is a type of skydiving in which the skydiver wears a board attached to his or her feet and performs surfing style aerobatics during freefall.The boards used are generally smaller than actual surfboards, and look more like snowboards… …   Wikipedia

  • Extreme sport — This article is about various Extreme Sports. For the TV channel, see Extreme Sports Channel. Wave jumping wipeout. While attempting a forward loop in overpowered storm conditions off the coast of Cantabria, Spain, windsurfer Justin Wheeler gets… …   Wikipedia

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