Смотреть что такое "skunking" в других словарях:
skunking — skʌŋk n. small North American mammal that has black fur and a white stripe down its back and sprays a foul smelling musk when threatened; contemptible person, disreputable person; (British slang) marijuana v. defeat, cause a downfall, bring… … English contemporary dictionary
defeat — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) v. t. thwart, frustrate, foil, outwit; rout, conquer, overcome, beat, vanquish, subdue, lick (inf.). n. frustration, setback, loss, rout, vanquishment. See failure, success, confutation. Ant., surrender … English dictionary for students
trimming — I (Roget s IV) n. 1. [Ornamentation] Syn. trapping, accessory, frill, embellishment, border design, embroidered hem, tassel, edging; see also decoration 2 , embroidery 1 . 2. [The act of cutting off excess] Syn. shearing, lopping off, shaving off … English dictionary for students