- skulduggery
- ˈskʌlˌdʌɡərɪ сущ.;
шутл. мошенничество, надувательство, обман Syn : swindle, cheating (американизм) (разговорное) надувательство skulduggery амер. шутл. надувательство
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
skulduggery — index bunko, knavery Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
skulduggery — 1856, apparently an alteration of Scottish sculdudrie adultery (1713), sculduddery bawdry, obscenity (1821), a euphemism of uncertain origin … Etymology dictionary
skulduggery — (also skullduggery) ► NOUN ▪ underhand or unscrupulous behaviour; trickery. ORIGIN alteration of Scots sculduddery, of unknown origin … English terms dictionary
skulduggery — ☆ skulduggery or skullduggery [skul dug′ər ē ] n. [obs. Scot sculdudrie < ?] Informal sneaky, dishonest behavior; trickery … English World dictionary
skulduggery — [[t]skʌldʌ̱gəri[/t]] N UNCOUNT Skulduggery is behaviour in which someone acts in a dishonest way in order to achieve their aim. [WRITTEN] ...accusations of intimidation and political skulduggery … English dictionary
skulduggery — /skul dug euh ree/, n., pl. skulduggeries. 1. dishonorable proceedings; mean dishonesty or trickery: bribery, graft, and other such skulduggery. 2. an instance of dishonest or deceitful behavior; trick. Also, skullduggery, sculduggery,… … Universalium
skulduggery — skul|dug|ger|y [ skʌl dʌg(ə)ri ] noun uncount secret activities intended to trick or cheat people: political intrigue and skulduggery … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
skulduggery — noun (U) often humorous secretly dishonest or illegal activity: Some skulduggery no doubt went on during the election … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
Skulduggery Pleasant — ist eine Buchreihe von dem irischen Schriftsteller Derek Landy.[1] Von neun geplanten Büchern wurden bisher sechs im englischen und fünf im deutschen Sprachraum veröffentlicht. Der fünfte Band erschien im September 2010 auf englisch, der vierte… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Skulduggery Pleasant (character) — Skulduggery Pleasant is a fictional character in the fantasy novel of the same name. He is a powerful magician who was killed in battle many years ago but came back to life as a skeleton.Fictional character historyIn the novel, Skulduggery tells… … Wikipedia
Skulduggery Pleasant — For the series of the same name, see Skulduggery Pleasant (series). Skulduggery Pleasant Author(s) Dere … Wikipedia