skip pass
Смотреть что такое "skip pass" в других словарях:
pass — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. gap, gorge; way, opening, notch, defile, passage; free ticket; crisis, predicament, condition,circumstance; leave [of absence]; slang, advance. See love. v. go through or by, bypass; get a passing… … English dictionary for students
Skip-stop — is a public transit service pattern which reduces travel times by not having all vehicles make all designated stops along a route. The transit operator designates stations as either major or minor, typically by ridership. All vehicles stop at the … Wikipedia
Pass auf — Skip Bo Daten zum Spiel Verlag The Skip bo Company (1967), International Games (1980), Amigo (1987), Mattel (1992) Erscheinungsjahr 1967, 1980, 1987, 1992 Art Kartenspiel … Deutsch Wikipedia
skip — skip1 [skip] vi. skipped, skipping [ME skippen, prob. < Scand form akin to ON skopa, to jump, run < IE * skeub , to shoot, throw > SHOVE] 1. to leap, jump, or spring lightly; specif., to move along by hopping lightly on first one foot… … English World dictionary
Skip-Bo — Daten zum Spiel Verlag The Skip bo Company (1967), International Games (1980), Amigo (1987), Mattel (1992) Erscheinungsjahr 1967, 1980, 1987, 1992 Art … Deutsch Wikipedia
Skip — Skip, v. t. 1. To leap lightly over; as, to skip the rope. [1913 Webster] 2. To pass over or by without notice; to omit; to miss; as, to skip a line in reading; to skip a lesson. [1913 Webster] They who have a mind to see the issue may skip these … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
skip — [v1] bounce or jump over bob, bolt, bound, buck, canter, caper, carom, cavort, dance, flee, flit, fly, frisk, gambol, glance, graze, hippety hop*, hop, leap, lope, make off, prance, ricochet, run, scamper, scoot, skedaddle*, skim, skirr, skitter … New thesaurus
Skip — Skip, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Skipped}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Skipping}.] [OE. skippen, of uncertain origin; cf. Icel. skopa run, skoppa to spin like a top, OSw. & dial. Sw. skimmpa to run, skimpa, skompa, to hop, skip; or Ir. sgiob to snatch, Gael.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
pass — [n1] opening through solid canyon, cut, gap, gorge, passage, passageway, path, ravine; concepts 509,513 Ant. closing, closure pass [n2] authorization, permission admission, chit*, comp, free ride*, furlough, identification, license, order, paper … New thesaurus
pass over — [v] ignore, disregard dismiss, fail, forget, miss, neglect, not dwell on, omit, overlook, overpass, pass, pass by, skip, take no notice of*; concepts 25,30 Ant. attend, heed, take care, tap … New thesaurus
pass someone by — pass over someone; skip someone; pass by someone without taking notice of them … English contemporary dictionary