skip across

skip across
разг. съездить, махнуть Jim decided to skip across to France for two days. ≈ Джим решил махнуть во Францию на пару дней. (разговорное) съездить, махнуть - to * to France for a week съездить во Францию на недельку

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "skip across" в других словарях:

  • skip — skip1 [skıp] v past tense and past participle skipped present participle skipping ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(not do something)¦ 2¦(not deal with something)¦ 3¦(change subjects)¦ 4¦(movement)¦ 5¦(jump over a rope)¦ 6 skip town/skip the country 7 skip it! 8 ski …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • skip — 01. We stood on the shore, [skipping] stones across the lake. 02. He [skipped] class to go downtown with friends. 03. There must be a scratch on your CD because it keeps [skipping]. 04. We don t have much time left, so let s [skip] discussion of… …   Grammatical examples in English

  • skip — 1. verb /skɪp/ a) To move by hopping on alternate feet. She will skip from one end of the sidewalk to the other. b) To leap about lightly. The rock will skip …   Wiktionary

  • Skip reentry — is a reentry technique involving one or more successive skips off the atmosphere to achieve greater entry range or to slow the spacecraft before final entry, which decreases the huge amount of heat that is usually generated on faster descents.… …   Wikipedia

  • skip — vb Skip, bound, hop, curvet, lope, lollop, ricochet can all mean to move or advance with successive springs or leaps .The first three words are commonly referable to persons or animals but they may be used in reference to inanimate things. Skip… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • skip vehicle — skip vehicle, a space vehicle that is propelled into outer space at such trajectory and speed that, on its return to the upper atmosphere, it bounces back one or more times in the manner of a stone skipping across the surface of water …   Useful english dictionary

  • Skip Barber Racing School — The Skip Barber Racing School is headquartered in Lakeville, Connecticut, United States.It conducts racing schools, driving schools ( defensive driving and/or high performance schools), six separate amateur and professional racing championships… …   Wikipedia

  • skip — 1 verb 1 MOVEMENT (I) to move forwards with quick steps and jumps (+ across/along etc): Maria skipped along at her mother s side. 2 NOT DO STH (T) informal to not do something that you usually do or that you should do: Children who skip breakfast …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • Skip (radio) — In radio propagation, skip is when a radio signal is reflected or refracted by the atmosphere or ionosphere, and returns to Earth in an unexpectedly far away place. This phenemon happens often with AM radio, enabling listeners to hear broadcasts… …   Wikipedia

  • skip — skip1 [ skıp ] verb * 1. ) intransitive to move forward by jumping first on one foot and then the other: Julie skipped down the sidewalk. a ) transitive to jump over a rope that you or two other people swing above your head and then under your… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • Skip Prosser — College coach infobox Name = Skip Prosser Sport = Basketball ImageWidth = 200 Caption = DateOfBirth = November 3 1950 Birthplace = flagicon|United States Pittsburgh, PA DateOfDeath = death date and age|2007|7|26|1950|11|3 Deathplace =… …   Wikipedia

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