skid device

skid device
прижимной каротажный зонд

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "skid device" в других словарях:

  • skid — ► VERB (skidded, skidding) 1) (of a vehicle) slide sideways on slippery ground or as a result of stopping or turning too quickly. 2) slip; slide. ► NOUN 1) an act of skidding. 2) a runner attached to the underside of an aircraft for use when… …   English terms dictionary

  • skid|pan — «SKIHD PAN», noun. 1. a water or oil covered circular course that simulates skidding conditions, used to test automobile tires or to train motorists to control cars on slippery surfaces: »The skidpan gives a maximum diameter turning circle of… …   Useful english dictionary

  • skid — v. & n. v. (skidded, skidding) 1 intr. (of a vehicle, a wheel, or a driver) slide on slippery ground, esp. sideways or obliquely. 2 tr. cause (a vehicle etc.) to skid. 3 intr. slip, slide. 4 intr. colloq. fail or decline or err. 5 tr. support or… …   Useful english dictionary

  • skid — /skɪd / (say skid) noun 1. a plank, bar, log, or the like, especially one of a pair, on which something heavy may be slid or rolled along. 2. US one of a number of such logs or planks forming a skidway. 3. a plank or the like, especially one of a …  

  • Skid cone — In forestry a skid cone is a device that prevents logs from being stopped by roots, stumps or residual trees while being harvested. It also protects valuable trees along the path from being damaged. Operator safety is enhanced, as the cone… …   Wikipedia

  • skid — verb (skids, skidding, skidded) 1》 (of a vehicle) slide, typically sideways, on slippery ground or as a result of stopping or turning too quickly.     ↘slip; slide. 2》 fasten a skid to (a wheel) as a brake. noun 1》 an act of skidding. 2》 a runner …   English new terms dictionary

  • skid — skɪd n. uncontrolled slide (especially of a vehicle); brake, device used to prevent a wheel from turning; plank or board on which heavy items may be slid or moved by rolling; pallet; runner in the landing gear of an aircraft v. slip sideways,… …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Mobile device forensics — Forensic science Physiological sciences …   Wikipedia

  • New Device — Origin United Kingdom Genres Rock Years active 2007 present Labels Powerage Records Members …   Wikipedia

  • anti-skid — (ASBS) A computer controlled automotive device which senses when one or more of the wheels are locking up during braking. It eases up on the amount of hydraulic pressure to that wheel. It must be remembered that a wheel cannot be steered unless… …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • прижимной каротажный зонд — башмак — [ russkiy slovar neftegazovoy promyishlennosti/] Тематики нефтегазовая промышленность Синонимы башмак EN sidewall deviceskid devicepad device …   Справочник технического переводчика

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